February 15, 2017

Invisible Inc.

Date played: February 14th
Platform: PS4

I played a couple more missions of Invisible Inc. last night. It's kind of a weird game to write about though. It's very slow and nothing or particular note really happens. The story isn't important, it's really just about the game's mechanics.

I think I played about 2 missions and both of them were pretty challenging, even though I'm playing on the "beginner" difficulty. Enemies roam around the maps a lot, they can walk a good distance and when they group up, they are deadly. I've started encountering armored enemies now, which can't be knocked out by regular stun guns unless they are hacked first.
Getting an interesting screenshot of this game is ... challenging.

I got lots of money and gear from the missions, which allowed me to upgrade my two agents quite a bit. Internationale is my favorite because she can hack stuff remotely, which is super useful. The other guy is Decker, who is a great thief. I've found my first gun in the game, a rifle that can be fired only once per mission, but kills it's target. I haven't used it yet but it seems like it will be useful.

There's a lot of careful planning to do during missions. This game is complex, but also very satisfying to play. Getting a perfect run feels fucking great. I fucked up once in a mission because I left Internationale on the wrong side of a door when I ended the turn. She was seen by a patrolling enemy, then killed. Thankfully, there's a "rewind" feature available. It returns the game to the beginning of the last turn, but it can only be used 3 times per mission. So far, I've only had to use it once, but it was really helpful and reduces frustration a lot.