January 7, 2017

Street Fighter V

Date played: January 6th
Platform: PS4

My brother came over last night to play some games and have fun, and he brought his PS4 with him. He has Street Fighter V, so we gave it a go. I've played a LOT of Street Fighter IV, mainly with Dhalsim, though I can handle myself as Ryu, Ken and a couple of others.

The first thing I noticed is that the graphics and art style are pretty different from IV. I think it looks a lot nicer overall, though there's a few characters that look weird, Ken in particular. The game's handling is very close to IV too, though there's no longer an Ultra meter, which has been replaced with a thing called V Trigger. I don't quite understand it yet, but it's a bit more difficult to use than the Ultras.

I played Ryu, Ken and Dhalsim. Ryu and Ken are the same as ever and I did well with both of them, though I always have a slight preference for Ryu. His Shoryuken seems to be a little faster than before, which is nice. Dhalsim is very different from before. While he still has stretchy limbs and similar moves as before, his movement is completely changed. His jump is kind of floaty and his general movement is a lot slower. He hits a bit harder though, so maybe that compensates I guess. Also, I wasn't able to pull off his teleport, but I could do it easily in IV, so they must have changed the controller inputs.

I loved playing Street Fighter V with my bro, it was cool!