January 9, 2017

Pokemon Moon

Date played: January 8th
Platform: 3DS

My daughter and I spent some time playing Pokemon yesterday afternoon. We made it through Route 2 and picked up some new Pokemon along the way. We also visited a Pokemon cemetery riddled with ghost-type monsters.

Some of our Pokemon evolved during these battles. My Popplio is now a cute Brionne. She's got a bigger skirt and some pigtails now. I also evolved my Pikipek into a Trumbeak. The small bird now looks a lot more menacing! My daughter's Litten also evolved into a Torracat, basically just a bigger version of Litten.

At this point, my team is Brionne, Trumbeak, Magnemite, Grubbin, Growlithe and Misdreavus. I feel like this is a pretty good mix for now. I have a water type, a flying/combat type, and electric type, an insect/ground type, a fire type and a fairy/psy type. I'm not a huge fan of Growlithe so far, and I'm still not sure about Misdreavus, but it's been working pretty well.

When we reached the end of Route 2, we got to go through our first trial. This was a small dungeon, similar to the way gyms worked in the past games. I beat a bunch of Rattatas in the beautiful cave, but was interrupted by Team Skull again. I beat them, then was able to battle against the cave's dominant Pokemon. These are giant versions of regular Pokemon, in this case, a Rattata. This guy was clearly a lot stronger than anything I've fought so far, and it even had the ability to call in reinforcements! In my daughter's game, the Rattatas were replaced with Yungoos and Gumshoos.

We beat the trial and were rewarded with our first Z Crystal. These are items that can be equipped to Pokemon and grant them a special, once per battle ability. It only works for Pokemon that have abilities of the same type as the crystal, normal type in this case. I gave it to my Misdreavus and she can now use a special Z move in battle that looks fucking great and hits like a truck.

We have access to Route 3 now, but we stopped playing before we got there. I fucking love playing Pokemon with my daughter... It's great to see her learn the systems, mechanics and Pokemon. She's also getting better and better at navigating with a map, a skill that will hopefully translate well into real life.