January 14, 2017


Date played: January 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th
Platform: PS4

Today's hero is Mei.

Role: Defense
Difficulty: ★
HP: 250
Armor: 0
Shields: 0
Total: 250

Favorite quote: "Sorry! Sorry! I'm sorry... sorry!"
Favorite map to play on: King's Row

Mei is a bubbly Chinese climatologist who worked for the Overwatch team in the Antarctic. She looks quite young and has a sexy curvy body. She wears big black-rimmed glasses and a fluffy winter coat. She wields an odd little freeze gun. She also carries an adorable little robotic companion with her.

  • Endothermic Blaster: One of the weirdest weapons in the game, Mei's blaster shoots icicles that are precise, have long range and hit pretty hard, but they need a bit more than a second to fire after pulling the trigger. The other firing mode is even more bizarre... It fires a cone of frozen air at close range that deals little damage. However, if it stays in contact with an enemy for long enough, they will be completely frozen for a few seconds.
  • Cryo-Freeze: Mei instantly surrounds herself with thick ice for 4 seconds. She is completely invincible during this time and she heals herself for 150 HP.
  • Ice Wall: Mei's most distinctive and impactful ability. She creates a giant wall of ice out of thin air. It blocks enemy attacks and movement. It can even be used to reach higher platforms.
  • Ultimate - Blizzard: Mei sends out her little robot buddy who then proceeds to freeze all enemies in a large radius.
  • Mei is great at area denial. Almost all of her abilities are used to control space and they do it very well. She's particularly powerful on defense.
  • Blizzard's area of effect is HUGE! This makes Mei really effective at defending a point or payload.
  • Her icicle gun is surprisingly powerful. It's hard to aim, but when it hits, it hurts.
  • Mei is at her strongest when she's moving with her team. She enhances almost every hero's abilities since she can slow down enemies, making it easier for her allies to get kills.

  • Mei is very vulnerable to fast heroes like Tracer and Genji. She is also an easy target for mid-long range heroes like Hanzo or Widowmaker if they have decent aim.
  • She is a lot harder to use on Attack maps, since most of her skills are defensive. She can still work, but it takes a bigger effort.
  • Her icicle gun is powerful, but it's lead up time is pretty long for a game like this. I think I still need to learn how to use it, but it's difficult.
  • Ice Wall is great, but it's one of the only abilities in the game that can harm your own team if it's not used well. For example, during one match, I put an ice wall to block a chokepoint, but in the process, I blocked a Symmetra's shield and photon orb.
Mei is a powerful hero, there's no doubt about that. Still, she's one of the heroes I've used the least, along with Genji and Hanzo. I think I haven't used her because she's really hard to learn. The timing on the icicle gun is tricky, the range of the ice wall is tricky, the freeze gun is weird to use and Blizzard's range and throwing distance is complicated. So Mei is hard to learn.

However, I see that she's strong, and that she can be a real game-changer when she's played skillfully. I feel like I would need a lot of practice with her to be effective, but I enjoyed her in the few games I've played. I think I'll give her a bit more playtime. 

It helps that she's fucking adorable and cute... The iconic "Mei moment" is when she freezes someone, stands in front of them smiling then shoots the icicle gun in their face. It's soooooooo insulting to the victim! 

I love that her Ultimate can completely deny access to a point. Combined with the ice wall, Mei is second only to Reinhardt for area control. I really want to learn her some more because I know she's great, I just can't unlock her full potential yet. I love Mei a lot more than I expected. 

Worst enemy: Hanzo
Best teammate: Lucio
Most satisfying kill: Junkrat
Rating ★★