January 4, 2017


Date played: January 3rd
Platform: PS4

Oasis is here!

This is the second "real" map to be added to Overwatch since it's release, following in the footsteps of Eichenwalde. Oasis is a control map, which means it's really 3 small maps set in the same location. It's got a great visual design. It's set in a very wealthy city in Iraq. This means lots of Arab text and a distinctly Middle Eastern vibe. There's also a street with futuristic cars gliding on it which marks the edge of the map in some spots.

While it's still early for me to really judge the map, so far, it's been very intense and very fun. It has many small hallways and corridors leading to each control point, so flankers have a lot of places to wreak havoc. The control points are all very dangerous and wide open, which forces huge fights, similar to other control maps.

I did well on it after my first couple of rounds. So far, I did best with Zarya, Zenyatta and Bastion here. Roadhog was a decent choice too. I've gotta try a few more heroes here to see how they perform, but Sombra seems like she would be great. Hanzo seems good here too, since there are many areas where his powerful mid-range shots can be devastating. I still have a lot to learn about it, but I'm really happy to play on a new map!