January 7, 2017


Date played: January 4th, 5th and 6th
Platform: PS4

Today's hero is Mercy.

Role: Support
Difficulty: ★
HP: 200
Armor: 0
Shields: 0
Total: 200

Favorite quote: "Take two and call me in the morning."
Favorite map to play on: King's Row

Mercy is a blonde, Swiss woman. She wears a really cool, form-fitting outfit that can deploy giant wings in the back that allow her to glide through the air. By default, her outfit is mostly white, giving her a very "medic" look. She wields a giant staff that can heal allies or boost their damage output. She also has a small pistol to defend herself. Mercy also has many of the best skins in the game in my opinion, with her Viking-inspired Valkyrie outfit being my favorite. 

  • Caduceus Staff: Mercy's main weapon. It's main function is to heal allies by auto-locking onto them at up to 15 meters. It heals for 60 HP per second. Alternatively, she can boost an allies damage output by 30%.
  • Caduceus Blaster: A simple pistol and Mercy's only way to defend herself from attackers.
  • Guardian Angel: Mercy quickly flies towards and ally that is within line of sight. 
  • Angelic Descent: Allows Mercy to float a little bit as she falls, letting her glide slowly.
  • Ultimate - Resurrect: Mercy revives any dead allies in a 15 meter range, restoring their health to maximum. 
  • Mercy is really easy to use effectively. She heals a single target almost as well as Ana, but it's a lot easier to pull off, making Mercy a very consistent and reliable healer.
  • The damage boost ability works really well when used on an ally that is using his Ultimate. Soldier 76, Pharah and Genji are great examples.
  • Mercy might just be the most mobile healer in the game, as long as she keeps line of sight on her allies to fly away with Guardian Angel.
  • Resurrect is incredibly powerful and might just be the Ultimate with the biggest impact on a match.  

  • Mercy's biggest weakness is that she's completely defenseless while healing. While Ana, Lucio and Zenyatta can all defend themselves pretty well, Mercy's only option is to stop healing and pull out her pistol. Granted, the pistol is pretty strong, but it pales in comparison to the other healers.
  • Mercy needs to be protected. She cannot be left on her own as flankers rush away and tanks move too quickly. 
  • Resurrect is amazing, but it's pretty hard to pull off a big one since Mercy has to survive until she can resurrect. This is often a lot more difficult than it looks.
  • Mercy can struggle with healing multiple allies in a timely manner. While she can heal a single hero better than most healers, she has a bit more trouble when many people are taking damage at once. 
Mercy has gone through a lot since the game's release. In the first few months, she was a lot more prominent than she is now. Back then, there were a lot of slow moving teams that usually used Reinhardt as their leader with his big shield. Mercy was great in these situations. However, as the game progressed, it also got faster and deadlier. She became harder and harder to use well. People also love to take out Mercy first to avoid her powerful resurrection.

I actually love playing Mercy, but at this point, it's usually a better idea to use Lucio or Ana. Zenyatta is a weird one since he's never really been good enough to be the only healer, so he works well with Mercy. At this point, I mainly pick Mercy when we have many tanks, or sometimes when we have Pharah on our team, since that makes the healer a lot more mobile and unpredictable.

Mercy's damage boost is cool, but it's pretty hard to use well since you're relying on the other person to be aggressive and accurate. it works really well with some Ultimates though. Mercy's pistol is also a lot more powerful than it looks at first glance. I've used it countless times to shoot through choke points. It's also one of the better weapons for taking out a Bastion at long range, or a Torbjorn turret.

Don't get me wrong, there are times where Mercy will be the only reason for a victory, but it's becoming a rarer thing than when the game first launched. Her resurrection is still a game-changer, but it's pretty hard to pull off well. Mercy is a great overall healer that is easy to use, but she is clearly outclassed by Lucio and Ana. Plus, she doesn't have the powerful offensive skills that Zenyatta has, so she's become kind of a niche pick. 

Worst enemy: Genji
Best teammate: Pharah
Most satisfying kill: Tracer
Rating ★★