January 28, 2017


Date played: Everyday since the last post!
Platform: PS4

Today's hero is Sombra.

Role: Offense
Difficulty: ★★★
HP: 200
Armor: 0
Shields: 0
Total: 200

Favorite quote: "Hack The Planet"
Favorite map to play on: Volskaya Industries

Sombra is the latest character to be added to game. She is a South-American woman who likes to wear very flashy, "techie" clothing. She LOVES purple! Her hair and clothing is all purple, even her gun. She's very mysterious... She is a very skilled hacker, even her head looks like it's full of circuits and inputs. She wields a sick looking submachine gun and speaks with a spanish accent. She's got a couple of great skins too, including some fun punk ones.

  • Machine Pistol: A rapid-fire automatic pistol. It has 60 rounds and is best at close-mid range.
  • Hack: Sombra can hack enemies or health packs. Hacked enemies cannot use any abilities for a short period. Hacked health packs cannot be used by the enemy team and regenerate twice as fast.
  • Thermoptic Camo: Sombra becomes completely invisible for a short time. She cannot use abilities or weapons while camouflaged. She also moves much faster than usual while camouflaged.
  • Translocator: A beacon that can be tossed a short distance. It allows Sombra to teleport to it up to 15 seconds after being dropped.
  • Opportunist: Sombra sees heavily damaged enemies through walls, similar to Hanzo's Sonic Arrow and Widowmaker's Ultimate.
  • Ultimate - EMP: Sends out an EMP blast in a wide radius, hacking every enemy within range for a short period.

  • Sombra is amazing at flanking and retreating, thanks to her invisibility and translocator.
  • When used correctly, the EMP can turn the tides of battle really quickly. It works particularly well against a team that is heavily reliant on Reinhardt's shield, D.Va's defense matrix or entrenched Bastions and Torbjorns.
  • Hacking health packs just might be Sombra's most impactful ability. Denying an enemy health pack in their territory can be the difference between victory and defeat.
  • Sombra's gun is deceptively powerful. It's pretty accurate, it's very fast, it has a ton of ammo and it hits pretty hard.

  • Good offensive moves must be planned ahead... Sombra's abilities don't allow her to get out of trouble easily if she gets ambushed.
  • If Winston or Roadhog get the jump on Sombra, she is dead meat unless she's already dropped her Translocator.
  • While her weapon is very strong up close, and useable at mid-range, it's completely useless at long range.
  • Invisibility is NOT invincibility. A single stray bullet will make her visible right away, and unless she's got a Translocator set up already, she is likely to be killed. Similarly, her hack is interrupted when she takes damage, making it a difficult ability to use against other heroes.

Strangely, Sombra and Tracer are very similar to play. They are both "hit and run" heroes. They go in, shoot shit up, then get out. The difference is that Sombra requires a lot more planning than Tracer and that she has more team utility. My favorite little play with Sombra is hack a health pack that is relatively close to the main battle, drop a Translocator beacon close to it, then run towards the enemy team. Before they see me, I go invisible, flank them and hopefully I can hack and kill a healer or a Bastion or something, then I teleport back to my beacon and health pack. Then I repeat. This all takes place within 15 seconds or so, so it's pretty quick.

The health pack hack can be a game changer, since it can deny the enemy team some healing while granting yours a bit more. It works particularly well when teams only have one healer. On top of that, many health packs can be hacked at once so it can be very powerful. I've had a few situations where Sombra hacks a health pack close to the battle, then Symmetra sets up a defensive perimeter around it with her turrets, maybe even dropping her shield generator nearby. It's a real nice setup...

While Sombra is strong overall, she does have a few glaring weaknesses... The biggest problem with her is that when she gets discovered, she is often very far from her teammates and is very likely to die. There's also a few heroes that are a real thorn in Sombra's sides. Winston is particularly scary as Sombra, since she can't really escape him without the Translocator being already deployed. Roadhog can be a bitch too, but he's kind of like that with more heroes. Widowmaker is surprisingly dangerous to Sombra thanks to her Ultimate that shows all enemies through walls.

It's interesting to hack people too. There are some heroes that become useless, while others are almost unaffected. For example, Mei, Tracer, Genji, Roadhog, D.Va and Reinhardt are very vulnerable without their abilities. However, others like Soldier 76, Reaper, Torbjorn and McCree are still very deadly, thanks to their powerful weapons.

Look, I love playing Sombra. She's unique, powerful, fast and very satisfying to play well. She's a real challenge though, and every match requires a lot more effort and concentration than most heroes. Sometimes, she doesn't work, and sometimes, she's fucking brilliant. In the end though, she's always fucking cool.

Worst enemy: Winston
Best teammate: Zarya
Most satisfying kill: Tracer
Rating ★★★★