October 27, 2016


Date played: October 24th, 25th and 26th
Platform: PS4

Today's hero is Junkrat.

Role: Defense
Difficulty: ★★
HP: 200
Armor: 0
Shields: 0
Total: 200

Favorite quote: "Everything's coming up explodey!"
Favorite map to play on: Dorado


Junkrat looks real nasty. He's got a "piece of shit" vibe going on... He is shirtless, wears shorts, has a peg leg and some ugly gloves and boots. His hair has a bit of a fiery spark, which looks super cool. He wears a large explosive tire on his back and a bandolier of grenades on his shoulders. His weapon, a grenade launcher, has a sweet smiley face at the front. The coolest thing about Junkrat's appearance is that he walks in a really funny and distinctive way due to his peg leg. He also has quite the personality, often laughing like a madman as he lobs grenades at his enemies. 


  • Frag Launcher: Junkrat's main weapon. It launches grenades at a pretty good distance, bouncing off walls, ceilings and floors. It explodes after a short period or when it comes into contact with an enemy. Hits really fucking hard.
  • Concussion Mine: A remotely detonated sticky mine. In addition to dealing big damage, it can propel enemies in the air, or even Junkrat himself! This can be used to reach higher ground or cover more distance quickly. It can be thrown a decent distance too, making it a good offensive weapon.
  • Steel Trap: A giant metal trap that deals 80 damage and immobilizes the enemy who walked into it. 
  • Total Mayhem: This is Call of Duty's Martyrdom perk... When Junkrat dies, he drops 4 grenades near his body that explode shortly after. 
  • Ultimate - RIP-Tire: One of the coolest looking Ultimates, Junkrat sends out a remote controlled explosive tire deals a ton of damage, up to 600. The tire can jump and climb walls. It's also very loud. It has 100 HP and can be destroyed by enemies.


  • Junkrat deals a LOT of damage, more than most heroes. His grenades deal up to 120 damage each, so it adds up. 
  • Bouncing grenades around corners and over walls is great for harassing the enemy without being vulnerable. The only other hero that can do this is Hanzo, and his Scatter Arrow has a pretty big cooldown.
  • One of the best heroes for disrupting enemy formations. He will destroy a Reinhardt or Winston shield rather quickly and people must scatter to avoid splash damage from his grenades. He can also force a Bastion to move, or destroy a Torbjorn turret from cover.
  • RIP Tire is a powerful Ultimate, one of the few with the potential to kill an entire team. It's not easy to do, but it's possible.


  • Junkrat is very weak against targets with high ground, Pharah being the most obvious example. Genji, Tracer and D.Va can be real trouble too.
  • RIP Tire is so easily destroyed... Seriously, without a good flanking route for it, odds are the tire will be destroyed before being of any use. Very tricky to use well.
  • While he does have his trap and mine to defend himself, Junkrat is still very vulnerable to most offense and tank heroes. For example, McCree, Pharah, Widowmaker, Soldier 76 and Hanzo can take him out from a fair distance with almost no risk. Junkrat needs to stay on the backline most of the time to be effective.
  • His grenades are difficult to control. They will bounce around unexpectedly, making it difficult to hit fast moving targets or targets that are far away.


I'm impressed with Junkrat. He's almost always welcome on a team, regardless of map type or team composition. He hits really hard and disrupts enemy formation constantly with his grenades. 

I played him in two or three games. While I was obviously still learning, I found him relatively easy to use and useful to the team. His constant barrage of grenades is definitely his strongest feature, though his trap and mine are also very useful.

When I played him, I found myself not using the mine often enough. Many good Junkrat players will toss that thing at their enemy's face every time the cooldown is up, but I often left it somewhere then kind of forgot about it. I had a bit of trouble using the trap effectively also, since it requires the enemy to walk into it. The best places are probably around corners with lots of foot traffic, hidden from view.

His little grenades that drop after he dies are pretty much useless, unless you die right on top of a Bastion or Torbjorn turret. Players are accustomed to it and easily avoid them. His Ultimate RIP Tire is also a little on the weak side. While it can deal immense damage, it's also very easy to shoot down, which happens more often than not. On top of that, it leaves Junkrat exposed and vulnerable, so it's important to get a nice hiding spot before sending in the tire.

I still have a lot to learn when playing the psychotic Australian, but I like what I've played so far. I might try him again on defense.

Worst enemy: Pharah
Best teammate: Mei
Most satisfying kill: Reinhardt

Rating ★★★