October 10, 2016

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China

Date played: October 9th
Platform: PS4

Shao Jun continues her journey to destroy the Tigers. I've completed 3 memories, so I think I have about 3 or 4 left in the game. The levels are getting very complex, even though this is a 2D game. In fact, every level has multiple layers of depth and countless different routes. It's actually really impressive and deeper than it looks.

Combat is still a shit show, though. If I am attacked, I basically just let myself die and respawn unless there's just one enemy. There are new enemies in every level, all of which have slightly different abilities. For example, I ran into crossbowmen who have a much longer field of view and can fire their weapons continuously. There are also some highly aware enemies that must be assassinated while crouching, adding another layer of complexity.

Also, this game is really difficult... I failed more times than I can count. I often have to wait for the perfect moment to strike, and even then, there's still a good chance I'll fuck up. It gets a little frustrating when I'm stuck on the same section for a long time, but success is a great feeling. I'm impressed with this game, I wasn't expecting to like it so much.