October 20, 2016


Date played: October 17th, 18th and 19th
Platform: PS4

Today's hero is Winston.

Role: Tank
Difficulty: ★★
HP: 400
Armor: 100
Shields: 0
Total: 500

Favorite quote: "Houston, uh... we have a problem."
Favorite map to play on: Nepal


Winston is a talking Gorilla who was raised on the moon. Yeah, seriously. He wears a pair of cute black glasses and some heavy body armor. On his back, he wears a pair of jump jets that he uses to launch himself into the air. He is armed with a Tesla cannon, a large device that emits electricity. He's got some really cool skins too, including a deep sea explorer's outfit and a jungle explorer outfit.


  • Tesla Cannon: Winston's main weapon shoots out an arc of electricity that continuously damages anything in front of it. It's actually pretty weak, but it can pass through many defenses, including Genji's deflect, D.Va's defense matrix and Reinhardt's shield.
  • Jump Pack: Winston lunges through the air and lands violently, dealing 50 damage in a small radius around him. 
  • Barrier Projector: Winston drops a small device on the ground that generates a spherical shield. Protects teammates from projectiles until it is destroyed. 
  • Ultimate - Primal Rage: Winston turns into a giant, rage filled ape with a powerful melee attack and lowers the cooldown on the Jump Pack. Also boosts his health to 1000!


  • Winston is the ultimate sniper killer. He'll take down Widowmaker or Hanzo in an instant and can also target other squishies like Mercy, Symmetra, Ana, etc.
  • Anti-genji. Winston's Tesla Cannon is strong enough to take care of Genji on it's own and it passes through Genji's deflection. Winston can defend his healers from Genji like no one else can.
  • Makes shit fucking move. When there's a stalemate, and no one is able to break the defensive line, Winston is always a good answer. He'll knock people around and make people break formation, opening up the field for friendlies to fire on the enemy team. 
  • The Barrier Projector can save the entire team when it's well timed. 
  • Very mobile, one of the most mobile heroes in the game.


  • Winston is very situational. Sometimes, he's basically useless. It's important to know when it's time to take the big ape out of his cage, and when he should stay out of the way.
  • Reaper. Fucking Reaper. Reaper eats Winston alive. D.Va is trouble too, due to her high armor.
  • Very low damage potential. Winston isn't made for killing, he's made for controlling the map. While his Tesla cannon can usually handle smaller targets, any attempt to damage a tank is a fucking waste of time, except maybe Reinhardt since you can damage him through his shield.
  • Primal Rage, Winston's ultimate, is hard to use effectively. You basically need to use it to restore health during a big push, and knock people away, breaking their defenses. It's NOT made for killing, and it's not made to be used alone. It's meant to disrupt.


I absolutely LOVE playing as Winston. Sure, there's times where I would never pick him, like if the enemy team has a good Reaper, but in general, he does really well on attack, and even better on control.

It's weird, I kind of instinctively know when we need a Winston push. Like, we'll be stuck trying to grab a point, and sometimes, I'll know it's time to take the ape out. Tired of Widow stopping your team before reaching the chokepoint? Send Winston. Your Mercy keeps dying to a sneaky Genji? Send Winston. Pharah causing trouble on your back line? Send Winston. Need to break up a tight knit enemy group? Send Winston.

There's also times where you should just stop playing Winston. For example, if your team can't seem to kill anyone, then Winston's low DPS might be part of the problem. Can't move forward because Bastion is covering a key choke point? Switch heroes and leave Winston.

One of my favorite things to do with Winston is to make a push last a lot longer than it should, raising our chances of winning significantly. The trick is to jump in, drop the barrier, damage whatever I can with my Tesla Cannon then pop Primal Rage just before running out of health. This refills my health to 1000, lets me knock people around and generally make things move.

Winston is hard to play, mostly because he deals such little damage. He's a great disrupter and harasser, but you need to know when to pull out and go back to your team for healing and support. Winston is one of the most entertaining heroes to play, and he's almost always welcome on a team, as long as Reaper isn't an important factor.

Worst enemy: Reaper
Best teammate: Zenyatta
Most satisfying kill: Genji

Rating ★★★★