July 8, 2012

Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention

Date played: July 7th
Platform: Vita
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 4/10

I got Disgaea 3 to fill my need for portable turned based strategy. I didn't really have time to start the game proper, I only saw the opening story beats and started a tutorial. I can't comment on the game itself yet but the story seems interesting so far. It's all about a school in hell where students do well when they skip class, fail tests and are generally bad. The delinquents are the ones that go to class and study.

The hero is the son of the overlord and decided that in order to overthrow him, he would have to become a hero, as so many comic books, movies and video games have proven. The game is well produced, it has voice acting, cool looking menus and the writing is decent so far. The graphics are good for this type of game but nothing spectacular. I can't wait to dig in for real and see what the gameplay is all about.