July 31, 2012

Dirt Showdown

Dirt Showdown is flashy!
Date played: July 31st
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 10/10

One of my brothers and I spent a good part of the afternoon playing split screen Dirt Showdown. We spent a lot of time playing Knock Out events which turns out is one of the cooler modes in the game. It's just good old fashioned fun, ramming into cars left and right to get some points. The double points in the last thirty seconds is a game changer and adds lots of tension at the end of a round.

We also tried a team 8 ball event which was really cool. We helped each other out to beat the AI. We also had a lot of fun with Domination though there is definitely a point where having the best car makes all the difference. This game isn't Dirt, but it sure is a lot of fun and doesn't get the credit it deserves.