January 21, 2012


Date played: January 19th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I am about to finish this game, I can feel it. I have all weapons, the newest addition being a slow but powerful mortar. I have restored all the buildings in the Bastion. I have unlocked most of the memories from the monument. I have upgraded the weapons I use almost fully, the shotgun and the spear. In sum, I've done most of what the game is asking of me.

The underground dragon unicorn thing in all it's glory!
There was a very cool level that had a lot of foliage, it was so thick that enemies could hide in it, turning combat into a game of hide and seek. I also had to defend the Bastion from attackers, minions of Zulf, the Kid's rival. That was cool, fighting in the Bastion. I had the help of the three or four creatures that live there including the bull, the crow and the underground dragon unicorn thing. I also did a few challenge rooms for the weapons but there a few that still elude me. The Hammer, the Machete and the Dueling Pistols. I think I'll just give up on them, it's not worth the trouble.