January 17, 2012


The crew of the Bastion
Date played: January 16th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 75 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played a bunch of Bastion yesterday after listening to the Giant Bombcast. They put it in their top ten of the year and it reminded me of how much I love that game but never completed it. I spent a good amount of time just playing the challenge rooms, some of which I can't seem to complete.

I also played through a good portion of the story, rebuilt all the buildings in the Bastion and even started upgrading some of them. I feel like I'm getting close to the end but it's a little bit unclear. I unlocked new weapons and upgrades too including a flame thrower, dual pistols and my favorite, a spear. The spear is awesome because it is powerful and has good range. It can also be thrown. Right now, I'm running with the shotgun and the spear, shotgun for mobs of enemies and the spear for single enemies and long range. I also rescued "The Singer" who sang beautiful songs in the level I found her. She is now in the Bastion but unfortunately, she doesn't lend her voice to it.