January 10, 2011

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Date played: January 9th
Platform: Nintendo DS
Time played: 55 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

Railing Zelda
I used to love Zelda.  A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Minish Cap and my favorite, Wind Waker. However, I was really disappointed in Twilight Princess so I never bothered with the DS games.

Then one day my girlfriend bought Spirit Tracks on a whim.  It turned out that she didn't like it but I did!  Anyway, I don't play my DS a lot so I was a bit lost when I started but after a few minutes, I was exploring the third level of the main dungeon, the tower or something something.  It was pretty cool and involved lighting torches to see where I was going.  After about an hour, I turned it off with the Ocean section waiting for me.

Oh and the stylus only control is actually easy to use and practical which is not what I was expecting.