January 18, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 17th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 150 minutes
Session fun rating: 4/10

Well, after staying at level 50 for almost two months, I finally decided to Prestige.  I guess I was just bored and wanted to level again.  That meant I lost the service of my trusty M60 and all my pro perks as well as my Strela 3...  I managed to get to level 17 and am only four levels away from my gun.

I wish this was the prestige logo...
The first few matches were rough since I was using the default classes.  I went with the one that has the MP5K until I could buy the Enfield.  I also bought all my favorite perks, Scavenger, Sleight of Hand and Ninja.  I got my concussion grenades and claymores too.

I spent most of my time going for my pro perks and that meant playing Demolition (just 2 bombs left to plant!), using pistols for some of the SoH requirements and spamming grenades for Scavenger.  I did get Scavenger Pro as well as Sleight of Hand Pro, so I'm ready for my M60.  I have four levels left to get all my suppressor kills for Ninja so I should be ready to go once I hit level 21.  Needless to say, it wasn't really fun but now the tough part is over.