January 23, 2011

Dead Space Ignition

Date played: January 21st and 22nd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 140 minutes
Session fun rating: 2/10

Om nom nom nom
So I got this game for free when I pre-ordered Dead Space 2.  While not a very good game in itself, I still think it was worth playing for me if only for the story and the Dead Space 2 unlockable suit.  This is basically a motion comic with three hacking mini games.  The comics aren't well drawn, the writing isn't great and the voice acting is average at best.

Even worse, the actual gameplay is pretty boring.  The three mini games are varied but there is only one that is fun to play.  It involves lasers, mirrors, splitters and color coded puzzles.  It's a lot of fun by itself but not enough to redeem this game.  The story is pretty cool though because it introduces the Sprawl, Dead Space 2's setting, and the ending ties into the beginning of Dead Space 2 and Isaac Clarke's story.

Anyway, within 2 hours of play, I got all trophies and all unlocks so I cheerfully deleted it from my hard drive.