January 24, 2011

Nintendo 64 Special Edition

Date played: January 23rd
Games: Super Mario 64, Starfox 64, Doom 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Goldeneye 64
Platform: Nintendo 64
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

News Flash!  I just got an N64 for my basement.  Nintendo SIXTY-FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUR
My collection of old consoles and games keeps growing!  I have a lot of games that came with it but I only played four of them.  Super Mario 64 is still surprisingly playable and still good.  Starfox 64 (RUMBLE!) is more hardcore than I remember.  Diddy Kong Racing is still lots of fun.  Goldeneye is really outdated but it was good for nostalgia purposes...  Doom 64 is complete garbage.  :-)

Anyway, I've got plenty more games to try such as Pilotwings, Clayfighter, Rush, Donkey Kong 64 and more.  I think I made a good purchase and I'll start looking on eBay for some cheap games.