January 30, 2011

Scott Pilgrim VS The World The Video Game

Date played: January 29th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating:7/10

I had a few minutes to kill and I had watched the Scott Pilgrim movie earlier in the day so I booted up the XBLA game of the same name.  I played and beat level 2, the movie star's level.  The mechanics in this game are standard fare for beat-em-up's so it's nothing special.  What makes this game worth playing is the music and the graphics.

I love the art style!
The music is by Anamanaguchi, one of my favorite bands.  The energizing chip tunes are complimented by some amazing graphics, courtesy of Paul Robertson.  I just wish the game had better mechanics, as it stands, it's pretty much a button masher.