January 9, 2011

Fable 3

Date played: January 9th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 95 minutes
Session fun rating: 3/10

You know what, I think Fable 3 sucks.  I keep trying to like it but it keeps spitting it's stink in my face.  I mean, the story is cool, the jokes are kind of funny, the graphics aren't bad and the music is quite good.  You would think that would make an interesting game but it's all the little details that piss me off.

This would be more fun than the actual game.
I think the reason I dislike it so much is the lack of a minimap.  Exploration and questing would be so much easier if there was just a god damned minimap!  Also, it's buggy, there's a lot of slow down and the glowing trail works half the time.  The worst part is, I will probably play it again because I want to see what happens....

Anyway, I played a few quests, one where I had to escort a dude to safety and another where I had to find dog bones to cleanse an evil spirit in the woods.