January 8, 2011

A Boy and his Blob

Date played: January 8th
Platform: Wii
Cuter than a puppy in a basket.
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

This is a really cute game I got from a bargain bin.  It's a mix between a platformer and a puzzle game where you feed jelly beans to your "blob" to transform him into objects that will allow you to navigate the levels and avoid enemies.

I played maybe 5 levels and while it is fun, I'm still in the first world and it is quite easy.  The animation is fantastic, it looks like a quality hand drawn animated movie.  Also, the best feature of the game is a hug button.  Yes that's right, this game has a hug button.  The best part is that it is completely useless in terms of the game but I still do it to see the amazing animation.