January 24, 2011


Date played: January 23rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I beat the second boss in the game and he was definitely easier than the first.  It had a pretty cool mechanic where you must clear a row of ice blocks while the boss tries to fry you with a giant laser beam.  Then once it's cleared, you can basically hit the boss in the leg by ramming a train wagon at him.  Once he falls down from the hit, War gets to go all out on him.

It was an interesting fight.  I then explored a bit, bought some upgrades and started the path to the third boss.  The scenery is quite different now as I'm heading towards the Ashlands.  It almost feels like a desert region.  I can't wait to play more but Dead Space 2 is closer and closer now so I don't think I will have time to finish it before the return of Isaac Clarke.