January 9, 2011

Halo Reach

Date played: January 9th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

It's a wonder the guy didn't end up with this thing...
So I went back to Halo again and played 3 matches of Big Team Battle.  I had the some fun games but the highlight of the night was an amazing trash talker who didn't play much, but managed to spew obscenities from his mouth for two (!) complete matches.  I've seen some trash talk in my days but this one was quite an achiever.

He managed to insult homosexuals, mothers, his team mates, Mexicans and even the flag we had to capture.  Surprisingly enough, he didn't insult the other team in any way.  He did get repetitive a bit by the end of my session but there are only so many insults in the English language.  I think the saddest part was that he was an adult.