January 17, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 14th, 15th and 16th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 300 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Yes I know, I'm playing this game way too much.  It's hard not to have fun when playing with friends though.  As usual, when playing with friends, we won.  A lot.  In fact, I think we may have lost only one game.
My only weapon, the glorious M60

The highlight match of the weekend was my best performance since buying the game.  In team deathmatch, I managed a 34 kills, 1 death match.  That's right bitches.  I got to 11 kills with my trusty M60 then summoned attack dogs and an attack helicopter.  My first death was after 21 kills and it wasn't because I got greedy, it was a good kill from a crossbow.  When I respawned, I called in my sentry gun while the dogs and chopper were still getting kills.

The other team wasn't very good but I still think it was a great game.  I would have never been able to do this well were it not for my smart team mates.  I saved the game to my file share and I think I will make a little 30 second video to post on youtube when I have some time.