November 9, 2013

Pokemon Y

Date played: November 5th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 7/10

I went to the Pokeball factory, which was infested with treacherous Team Flare members. I fought my way through some of their weaker members. I had to navigate the factory by using conveyor belts to move around. At one point, I had to use a little computer to switch the direction of the belt so I could progress. At the end of the dungeon, I found out that Team Flare was trying to monopolize the Pokeballs around the world. So they need a lot of electricity and all the Pokeballs? The plot thickens. I beat the boss, a stylish lady, then proceeded to Route 15.

Route 15 was littered with new Pokemon, so I spent the rest of my time catching everything I could. I caught a magical purple cat, a bubbly scorpion, a green fish, a minuscule mushroom and a few others.