November 2, 2013

Grid 2

Windows 8.1 + Grid 2 = no screenshot
Date played: October 31st
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 8/10

Grid 2 has some pretty cool little details. For example, it greeted me with my name and wished me a happy Halloween! I've recently installed Windows 8.1, which seems to have fucked up the Steam overlay and screenshot feature for Grid 2... Too bad, as it looks amazing.

I completed season 1 of the career, winning the WSR in my Camaro. This won me a Hyundai Genesis which I promptly customized with red white and blue stripes. I also won a new type of event, a time trial. It works a lot like a rally race, something I can really appreciate. Having other racers on the track makes things more exciting and challenging. I won another car here in the Golf GTI.