November 2, 2013

Hotline Miami

Date played: November 2nd
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 7/10

Once again, PS Plus delivers a fun, high quality free game. Hotline Miami is a top down, dual stick shooter that seems very unforgiving at first glance. I've only played one chapter, but it was really fun and will probably get insanely hard, though I can't confirm that just yet.

There's something about people wearing animal masks in this game that I don't quite understand and the story seems a little crazy, but the mechanics seem very solid. So far, it's been melee only, where I punched, sliced and slugged away at different men to kill them. Enemies killed me in one hit, so I had to be careful. There's a lock on mechanic that requires that I touch an enemy with the touch screen, though I haven't needed to use it yet. After completing the first level, I was awarded an owl mask... I should also note that the music is fucking awesome.