November 7, 2013

Pikmin 3

Date played: November 3rd
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played three or four exploration days in the newest area. I built a bridge my navigating the area, mainly using my new flying Pikmin. They can be thrown to platforms and bring stuff back, can follow the spacemen over water spots and can even lift large objects that hide items, fruit and enemies. The bridge led to a very large tree stump, home to a big ass bee of some sort.

Yep, a birthday party,
This was one of the tougher boss battles yet. The bee had dozens of little bee helpers helping it fight me. They corralled my units, attacked them and lifted them away. That was my window for attack, so I threw my rock and red pikmin at the main bee like crazy to knock it down and whittle it's health down slowly. Then the stolen units were brought back and I had to shoot them down with other pikmin to save them. In my first attempt, I lost a good 30 red pikmin because I wasn't prepared... I won the fight and scored lots of loot, including a juicy tomato.

It's death revealed another spaceman under it, unconscious. My guys think it's captain Olimar, though it's clearly another person. He also doesn't have any useful information on him, but we'll keep looking!