May 12, 2012

Just Cause 2

Yes, Rico can stunt jump on a passenger jet
Date played: May 11th
Platform: PC
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

After some Audiosurf, my friend and I jumped into Just Cause 2. He loves open world games and blowing shit up so this was right up his alley. He was really impressed with the graphics, noticing the higher resolution and better lighting compared to his PS3.

We just messed around for a half hour, stealing cars, grapple-parachuting, base jumping, shooting dudes, stunt jumping and even stealing a commercial jet. This is easily the most fun I've had just fucking around in a game. We also took the jet to the highest possible point and just jumped down. It was amazing, parachuting above the clouds and free falling for minutes... Not to mention our amazing run in a high powered speed boat, filled with crazy jumps and stunts.

I wonder if the missions are any good?