May 8, 2012

Dirt Showdown demo

Date played: May 8th
Platform: PC
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I had low expectations for Dirt Showdown simply because it wasn't a rally game. Well, it's definitely not a rally game but it's sure is a ton of fun! There was a race event that is just a figure 8 with lots of cars ramming each other. The other is a multiplayer online destruction derby type event. The first match I played was kind of boring because there were only three players. Once I played a match with six players, I saw how this game is going to be fun. It reminded me of the old Destruction Derby games but with good physics and amazing graphics. Speaking of which, my PC is really showing it's power with this game.  I have a hard time going back to consoles after this...