November 29, 2011

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Date played: November 28th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 90 minutes
Session fun rating: 9\10

A Blood Dragon?  Not bloody enough for me!
I just love this game so much...  I'm always thinking about it, I'm always planning my next upgrade and my next quest, it's just taking over my life. I spent some time today reaching the mage's college in Winterhold.  It was kind of a long trip so I used my Beast Form power to travel quickly and avoid combat.  Once I reached Winterhold, I was sad to see that it's almost empty.  There are a couple of shops and about a dozen citizens.

Then, the town was attacked by a Blood Dragon!  It was a pretty easy fight since the guards helped.  I also had my trusty Flame Atronach and companion shooting it from range.  I started off the fight with my bow which I don't like and suck with.  I had to though since the dragon was staying in the air mostly.  At the end, he landed and I rushed in for the kill.  I had to pop a few potions but I kicked it's ass easily.  I also learned a new shout that stops nearby animals from fighting for a short time.