November 23, 2011

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Date played: November 20th, 21st and 22nd
Platform: PS3
Time played: ???
Session fun rating: 10/10

Ok, it's official, this game will take over my whole life.  I have spent countless hours already in the world of Skyrim, it kind of just sucked me in without warning.  I will keep this short as most of the time I played is a big fucking blur.

Even the logo is epic...
First, the basics.  I am an Argonian (lizard-man!) that specializes in sword and board with a penchant for reanimating the dead.  I have done countless quests, side quests and cleared out a multitude of areas seemingly at random.  I have killed a dragon and joined the equivalent of the Fighter's Guild.  I have reached level 13.

The game is much better than Oblivion before it.  Skills are easy to understand and leveling up is not a chore anymore.  Combat is also better than before.  The music is epic, the graphics look amazing and the world if just full of life.  I cannot wait to delve back into Skyrim.