April 12, 2017


Date played: April 11th
Platform: PS4

Today's play of the night features the new and improved (?) Lucio in action. Yesterday's patch made his area of effect much smaller, but the healing effect is stronger. Lucio's self-healing was also reduced. He moves faster when wall-riding now also. Finally, his weapon gets a much needed damage and speed boost.

So far, I really like it. One of the biggest improvements is that his aura's range is now represented visually with a circle around him. This makes it way easier to heal others, but also for others to get healed. They just need to enter the circle and voila!

Anyway, this play is a full match as Lucio, attacking on Anubis. We have a bit of trouble with the first choke point but as soon as we broke through, the rest was history. I'm loving the new Lucio!