Date played: April 10th
Platform: PS4
I played a ton of Horizon last night...
Last time I played, I had traveled to Pitchcliff, a small settlement in the north, to investigate a Glinthawk infestation problem. As soon as I got there, I had to fight half a dozen Glinthawks, but it's nothing that my trusty fire arrows couldn't deal with. I spoke with the town's mayor and he has no idea why the flying machines keep attacking the village, but I offered to help anyway.
Using my Focus, I found a signal coming from a quiet section of town. That's where I found the lure that had been attracting Glinthawks. There's this guy who collects scrap from remote areas, then sells exotic parts to customers. He's also very poetic, so much that Aloy had to interrupt him a few times to move the conversation along. He told me he had found the lure at a workshop, far to the north. I destroyed the lure and followed his directions to find the workshop.
It was a long road, and I had to fight quite a bit to get there. Scrappers, Ravagers, Snapmaws, Glinthawks and a couple of Watchers. At the end of the road, I found the workshop, but it was well guarded by a Stormbird. I put on my shock resist gear and took the beast down. I find that Stormbirds are pretty easy to kill. I shoot a few tear arrows first, then I try to rope them down with the ropecaster. Once that's done, I freeze them so that they take more damage, then pepper them with explosives with my sling. I deactivated some other lures and completed the quest.
There was a metal flower collectible nearby, so I headed that way, only to be confronted by yet another Stormbird! Once again, I took it down and collected my reward. I decided to go back to the vault in the first ruins and put in my power cells. There was a short puzzle, then a door opened, only to reveal that I need 2 more power cells.... On that note, I decided to spend some time exploring a bit. There's still a few areas that I haven't visited. I kind of pick a spot, then move towards any collectibles I'm still missing while activating nearby campfires.
Along the way, I fought a Thunderjaw head on, using it's own disc launchers against it. I then stumbled into a very small village, a forge really. These Oseram workers have built a small fortress in the middle of nowhere to salvage large heaps of scrap nearby. I met Petra, the town's mayor, and she is a very cool character. She's got a great voice and animation, which really makes her believable.
I picked up a few side quests in this town. It seems that some bad guys have decided to steal from the Oseram's scrap heaps, and Petra wants them out of there. This wasn't too much trouble, I just went to the place and slowly killed all the human enemies with my sharpshooter bow. Next, I had to clear another nearby area, but this time, it was machines. Nothing crazy though, the enemies were relatively weak.
The last side quest I got from the forge village was more interesting. Some hunters had gone out to hunt a Behemoth herd to get some of their valuable cables. These things are used by the forge people to build weapons and keep enemies at bay. The hunters never returned, so I followed their tracks. I found them not too far away, and they weren't lost at all. They fucked up and lost track of the herd, and they were too scared of Petra to go back home empty-handed, so they stayed out in the wild. Also,the two hunters are lovers, so maybe they got distracted as they were fondling each other instead of hunting...
Anyway, I told them I would help find the herd and asked them to join me. We found the herd, which consisted of 3 Behemoths and 2 Shell-Walkers. This was actually a pretty tough fight. Shell-Walkers can be nasty because they don't really have any big vulnerabilities and they have a big shield to protect from frontal attacks. Behemoths are extremely dangerous too, so I decided that the best way to approach this fight was to layer a ton of tripwire in a safe spot, then to override one of the Behemoths to help even the odds. This was a really good decision because, combined with my tripwire, two Behemoths were dead in the first seconds of the battle. The two Shell-Walkers and the last Behemoth were still around, but now that it was less frantic, I was able to take them down pretty quick after that.
The final mission for the forge people was incredible... Petra had been working on an experimental weapon for a while, and she asks Aloy to test it when some bandits attack the village. The weapon is amazing... It launches a volley of powerful explosives that are strong enough to destroy rock formations and infrastructure. I shot the fuckers that attacked the village with the big weapon, then when there were a few too many, Petra told me to destroy a bridge above their heads. The explosives destroyed the bridge in one shot as bodies and debris flew all over the place. It was glorious.
I ended my evening with some more exploration to get a metal flower and a Banuk figure, in the northern parts of the map. There's still a few villages that I haven't visited yet, so I don't know if I'll go visit or if I'll continue the story first.
Platform: PS4
I played a ton of Horizon last night...
Last time I played, I had traveled to Pitchcliff, a small settlement in the north, to investigate a Glinthawk infestation problem. As soon as I got there, I had to fight half a dozen Glinthawks, but it's nothing that my trusty fire arrows couldn't deal with. I spoke with the town's mayor and he has no idea why the flying machines keep attacking the village, but I offered to help anyway.
Using my Focus, I found a signal coming from a quiet section of town. That's where I found the lure that had been attracting Glinthawks. There's this guy who collects scrap from remote areas, then sells exotic parts to customers. He's also very poetic, so much that Aloy had to interrupt him a few times to move the conversation along. He told me he had found the lure at a workshop, far to the north. I destroyed the lure and followed his directions to find the workshop.
It was a long road, and I had to fight quite a bit to get there. Scrappers, Ravagers, Snapmaws, Glinthawks and a couple of Watchers. At the end of the road, I found the workshop, but it was well guarded by a Stormbird. I put on my shock resist gear and took the beast down. I find that Stormbirds are pretty easy to kill. I shoot a few tear arrows first, then I try to rope them down with the ropecaster. Once that's done, I freeze them so that they take more damage, then pepper them with explosives with my sling. I deactivated some other lures and completed the quest.
There was a metal flower collectible nearby, so I headed that way, only to be confronted by yet another Stormbird! Once again, I took it down and collected my reward. I decided to go back to the vault in the first ruins and put in my power cells. There was a short puzzle, then a door opened, only to reveal that I need 2 more power cells.... On that note, I decided to spend some time exploring a bit. There's still a few areas that I haven't visited. I kind of pick a spot, then move towards any collectibles I'm still missing while activating nearby campfires.
Along the way, I fought a Thunderjaw head on, using it's own disc launchers against it. I then stumbled into a very small village, a forge really. These Oseram workers have built a small fortress in the middle of nowhere to salvage large heaps of scrap nearby. I met Petra, the town's mayor, and she is a very cool character. She's got a great voice and animation, which really makes her believable.
I picked up a few side quests in this town. It seems that some bad guys have decided to steal from the Oseram's scrap heaps, and Petra wants them out of there. This wasn't too much trouble, I just went to the place and slowly killed all the human enemies with my sharpshooter bow. Next, I had to clear another nearby area, but this time, it was machines. Nothing crazy though, the enemies were relatively weak.
The last side quest I got from the forge village was more interesting. Some hunters had gone out to hunt a Behemoth herd to get some of their valuable cables. These things are used by the forge people to build weapons and keep enemies at bay. The hunters never returned, so I followed their tracks. I found them not too far away, and they weren't lost at all. They fucked up and lost track of the herd, and they were too scared of Petra to go back home empty-handed, so they stayed out in the wild. Also,the two hunters are lovers, so maybe they got distracted as they were fondling each other instead of hunting...
Anyway, I told them I would help find the herd and asked them to join me. We found the herd, which consisted of 3 Behemoths and 2 Shell-Walkers. This was actually a pretty tough fight. Shell-Walkers can be nasty because they don't really have any big vulnerabilities and they have a big shield to protect from frontal attacks. Behemoths are extremely dangerous too, so I decided that the best way to approach this fight was to layer a ton of tripwire in a safe spot, then to override one of the Behemoths to help even the odds. This was a really good decision because, combined with my tripwire, two Behemoths were dead in the first seconds of the battle. The two Shell-Walkers and the last Behemoth were still around, but now that it was less frantic, I was able to take them down pretty quick after that.
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Petra's experimental weapon is badass! |
I ended my evening with some more exploration to get a metal flower and a Banuk figure, in the northern parts of the map. There's still a few villages that I haven't visited yet, so I don't know if I'll go visit or if I'll continue the story first.