April 1, 2017

Horizon Zero Dawn

Date played: March 31st
Platform: PS4

I played a lot of Horizon last night, but didn't really do anything story related. I did a lot of side quests though. That's because I found and explored a new city, Brightmarket. It's a beautiful little town full of interesting people and awesome architecture. I tracked relics and I followed many, many trails with my Focus.

The most interesting side quest was about a missing young woman. Her father believes she may have killed herself. However, after following her trail to a small camp outside of town, I found out she was actually meeting with her lover out in the woods. She was attacked by a Snapmaw, so I fought it. She told me her lover was missing, so I followed her clues and his trail to a large castle-like structure. It was infested with bad guys and her lover was being held captive! I killed them all with my trusty sharpshooter bow, then freed the man. Just like an earlier story in the game, the damn guy fucking dies right there as I free him. Do people just wait to be freed and then decide to die in the world of Horizon??
The great dialogue, animation and voice acting make side quests even better
Anyway, I went back to the lady, told her the bad news and helped her reconnect emotionally with her father. There's a lot of personality in the side quests. Another had me hunt or gather machine blood for a crazy exiled Banuk who likes to drink it. That means oil. He drinks oil. Says it gives him visions... As I made my way to some of these side quest locations, I stopped to gather any collectibles like Ancient Vessels and Metal Flowers, or even just activating campfires. In fact, I got all the vessels in the game! These are just coffee cups, but the people of this world don't understand that. The best cup has a picture of a Helghan soldier from the Killzone series.

I loved spending some time just going around the world, there's a lot of cool stuff to find, and more importantly, fun battles are always a part of the equation.