November 29, 2011

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Date played: November 28th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 90 minutes
Session fun rating: 9\10

A Blood Dragon?  Not bloody enough for me!
I just love this game so much...  I'm always thinking about it, I'm always planning my next upgrade and my next quest, it's just taking over my life. I spent some time today reaching the mage's college in Winterhold.  It was kind of a long trip so I used my Beast Form power to travel quickly and avoid combat.  Once I reached Winterhold, I was sad to see that it's almost empty.  There are a couple of shops and about a dozen citizens.

Then, the town was attacked by a Blood Dragon!  It was a pretty easy fight since the guards helped.  I also had my trusty Flame Atronach and companion shooting it from range.  I started off the fight with my bow which I don't like and suck with.  I had to though since the dragon was staying in the air mostly.  At the end, he landed and I rushed in for the kill.  I had to pop a few potions but I kicked it's ass easily.  I also learned a new shout that stops nearby animals from fighting for a short time.

Battlefield 3

Yes Bill, thank you.
Date played: November 28th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 6\10

I sucked today, big time.  I don't know why really, I think I was simply tired but I couldn't manage decent scores except in one game where I was second overall.  What I'm really loving about this game is that it doesn't give a fuck about your kill\death ratio, it's all about winning the game.

After playing Call of Duty for so many years, it's extremely refreshing to be trying to win instead of trying to get good individual stats.  Of course, there are still some people who only care about themselves but in BF3, the focus is on team play.  In fact, the reason I tend to score well at this game is because I go for the objectives.  I don't sit back and snipe or camp, I just go for the goal.  Hopefully, I don't suck next time.

Super Mario 3D Land

A water level that doesn't suck? Amazing!
Date played: November 28th
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 8\10

I played a few levels and got to the middle of World 3.  I actually went back to a few levels to get some of the secret stars.  I've discovered that I was being an idiot.  In some levels, there are toads hiding.  I didn't know that when zooming in on one with binoculars, they spawn a secret star coin!

I also played one of the best underwater levels in a 3D game.  The air meter is gone (thank God!) and the swimming feels nice and easy.  The level was also well designed and had interesting enemies.  I love this game, it's great for playing a few levels every once in a while, it's not a marathon game.

November 28, 2011

Battlefield 3

My favorite weapon so far.
Date played: November 26th and 27th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played a few matches of BF3 this weekend, many of them with my brother over PSN.  Now that I've unlocked a few things, I'm doing better that's for sure.  C4 destroys tanks pretty well and the foregrip on my M249 is really helping.  I got a bit frustrated with some of the smaller helicopters available.  They seem to have good mobility and strong guns while I have nothing to take it down.

I guess that means I should start playing Engineer a bit. I should mention that the maps are all great so far.  There are a lot of destructible buildings and objects and the actual map design works great.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

My Flame Atronach helps a LOT
Date played: November 26th and 27th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 240 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

My God, this game is huge.  I don't even know where to begin... I've reached level 20 and have been focusing on one handed weapons, blocking, conjuration and smiting.  I tend to have my Flame Atronach out at all times and she really helps deal some good damage while I block and stab enemies.

I've done a lot recently.  I've killed my first dragon solo, it wasn't too hard.  I've also completed a shit load of little side quests, exploring caves, dungeons and towns.  I've become a werewolf whose sole purpose seems to be faster transportation.  Overall, things are going well.

I've come to realize that my potions are very useful.  For example, there was this bandit camp that had easy enemies.  However, the boss was a fire and shock slinging wizard that kicked my ass every time.  To beat him, I applied two paralysis poisons on my blade and kicked the shit out of him while he was floating in the air like an idiot.  This is starting to look like the best game I've played this generation.

November 26, 2011

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Replace "Braiiiins" with "Skyriiiiim"
Date played: November 23rd, 24th and 25th
Platform: PS3
Time played: Hours and hours and hours!
Session fun rating: 10/10

Sky....rim.  Skyyyyyy....riiiiiim.  Skyyyy.....riiiim.

Dirt 3

This is a great steering wheel
Date played: November 25th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Well, I finally set up my friend's Driving Force GT racing wheel in my basement.  I moved my PS3 just to try this out and it was definitely worth it.  The Dirt series has always impressed me with it's steering wheel support and Dirt 3 is no exception.  It just feels right.  Every bump in the road, every jump, every loss of control feel almost real.

I made sure to disable the HUD completely, put on my trusty Tritton AX720 surround headset, turned down the lights and put on comfortable shoes before I hit the gravel!  Long story short, I went through one rally event and won, but I had to turn the difficulty down a notch.  Next time, I want to try Gran Turismo but it's usually just not that exciting...

Battlefield 3

Date played: November 24th and 25th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 100 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I've seen a bunch of new maps, vehicles and weapons and boy, I'm more and more impressed.  The graphics in particular are much better than they were in the beta.  In fact, it has some of the best lighting effects and smoke effects I've seen in a multiplayer game.  Speaking of which, I'm not sure I want to play the single player campaign...  I'm sure I'll try it one day but it just doesn't interest me that much.

Battlefield 3 looks better than the beta led me to believe
I unlocked a key weapon for my style of play, the M249.  As a support player, I also enjoy newly unlocked C4 which is still way more powerful than in other games.  When I set C4, shit blows the fuck up.

NHL 12

Date played: November 24th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

Urgh.  I played about 8 or 9 games of NHL 12 with my brother and my friend while playing others online and we lost every, single, stupid match.  I can't believe it.  All three of us are fairly decent but something was off. Our passes weren't connecting, our players were out of position and the nice shots we made never seemed to want to find the back of the net.

I'll get back on that horse though and next time I play, I am fucking some dudes up.

Super Mario 3D Land

Bowser has big balls of fire
Date played: November 24th
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Things are starting to get a bit more interesting here.  I played through to the end of World 2 or so and while the game still isn't very hard, it's definitely getting more interesting.  The level design is really the star of the show here.  One of the cooler levels has a kind of mechanized see-saw that had real physics and real momentum.

I also fought Bowser for the first time.  Well, actually I didn't fight him really, I just avoided his fireballs and ran by him to hit a button and make him fall into lava, just like the original Super Mario Bros!

November 23, 2011

Rayman Origins demo

Date played: November 23rd
Platform: PS3
Time played: 25 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I had high hopes for this game.  While it plays well, looks stunning (really, it's beautiful) and is humorous, I found myself frustrated more than once.  It seems like many of the levels ask the player to memorize them and while that's cool in some ways, it was a bit irritating for me because I had to replay many sections that I already mastered.

Granted, this worked really well for Donkey Kong Country Returns so it might work out for this game too but let's just say I'll wait for the bargain bin.  It seems worth playing if only for the art at the very least.

Super Mario 3D Land

Date played: November 22nd
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I picked up Super Mario 3D Land today and while I have a bunch of new console games to play, this seemed like a game I simply could not pass up.  I didn't play for very long, only getting through about four levels but what I played was good.

Do I see a Bullet Bill with a Tanooki tail back there?
I should mention first that the 3D effect actually works really well for once.  This is clearly a showcase game, one that shows why 3D is a good feature and one that shows that the 3DS is just getting warmed up.  The levels are not 2D but they aren't really wide open either.  It works well and it seems like a natural evolution of the recent Mario games, mixing the mechanics of the Galaxy games and the structure of New Super Mario Bros.

The Tanooki suit is great too.  It's a potent fighting tool and a helpful platforming aid.  I think I'll enjoy this game.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Date played: November 20th, 21st and 22nd
Platform: PS3
Time played: ???
Session fun rating: 10/10

Ok, it's official, this game will take over my whole life.  I have spent countless hours already in the world of Skyrim, it kind of just sucked me in without warning.  I will keep this short as most of the time I played is a big fucking blur.

Even the logo is epic...
First, the basics.  I am an Argonian (lizard-man!) that specializes in sword and board with a penchant for reanimating the dead.  I have done countless quests, side quests and cleared out a multitude of areas seemingly at random.  I have killed a dragon and joined the equivalent of the Fighter's Guild.  I have reached level 13.

The game is much better than Oblivion before it.  Skills are easy to understand and leveling up is not a chore anymore.  Combat is also better than before.  The music is epic, the graphics look amazing and the world if just full of life.  I cannot wait to delve back into Skyrim.

November 21, 2011

Battlefield 3

Date played: November 20th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 80 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Contestant n.2 in the fall blockbuster time consumer, Battlefield 3.  I knew what to expect from playing the beta but the vehicles threw me off at first.  It was rough the first few matches until I got my bearings but it didn't take too long for me to get into my groove.  I managed to finish in the top 3 players after about three matches, always sticking to the support class.

I enjoy the bigger maps so far and can't wait to unlock a bit more stuff to customize my soldier.

Uncharted 3

Date played: November 20th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Finally, I am back from my long work trip and have a lot of PS3 gaming to catch up to!  I started with Uncharted 3 and played the first few chapters of the game.  Essentially, it started with a unarmed combat tutorial that set up the story.  Then there was a cool flashback sequence where we see how Nathan met Sully as a young teenager.  It also served as a platforming tutorial.  It was a nice surprise to see Nathan as a kid and made the relationship between him and Sully more meaningful.

The last chapter I played was about finding a way inside a garage and finding a secret entrance.  I haven't really started the real game yet but so far, it feels like Uncharted, which is a great thing.

November 17, 2011

Half-Life 2 Episode 2

This little drawing explains how to kill a Strider
Date played: November 17th
Platform: PC
Time played: 90 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

I finished Half-Life 2 Episode 2 and what a crazy ride it's been!  This game is really amazing and lasts as long as many full priced first person shooter campaigns.  Today, I defended the White Forest missile base like no other.  I first cleaned out the interior, packed with hunters and Combine but that wasn't even the beginning of it.

The last chunk of the game is an amazing sequence where I had to defend the base from Striders and hunters in a large open area.  All I had was my car, a radar, a bunch of guns and an explosive device that I had to launch at Striders then shoot at to blow them up.  The explosive devices respawn in nearby buildings and one of them could be attached to the car for transport.

There were a few things that were very dangerous. First, the Striders themselves pack a punch and are not afraid to shoot at Dr. Freeman.  Second, they are usually accompanied by at least two hunters, if not more. Hunters also hurt a lot, move quickly and are difficult to take down.  Last but not least, if I didn't take out the Striders fast enough, they would reach the base and destroy it, resulting in a game over.

My strategy was to try to run over one or two hunters with the car, get out (because I'm being shot at) and fight off the last hunters in a pack with guns, grenades and rockets.  I would then move the car back to the Strider, get off, grab the explosive device and blow the fucker up as soon as I could.  Then I would move on to the next Strider.

At the end of the sequence, there was a rush of three or four Striders coming from all sides.  The music kicked in and the adrenaline started flowing.  This was one of the most exciting moments in a first person shooter I've played.  Being a hero, Gordon Freeman saves the day once again and allows the scientists to launch the missile which took out an important Combine installation.  We also discovered that the next chapter in the Half-Life story will involve getting to a mysterious ship that seems to contain important information for the survival of humanity.  Just as Gordon and Alyx prepare to board a helicopter to head over there, they are attacked and Alyx's father is killed...  Roll credits.
Half-Life 3 please.

November 16, 2011

Half-Life 2 Episode 2

Date played: November 15th
Platform: PC
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Wow, this game keeps getting better and better!  I got to the car and drove it back to Alyx.  This involved a clever puzzle that asked me to move weight on a bridge to topple it so I could drive to the other side.  Then we drove for a bit, reached a comm tower and sent a message to White Forest.  This is where we got attacked by three hunters.  Hunters behave a little bit like Elites from the Halo series.  They are smart, fast and pack a lot of firepower. We disposed of them by filling them with lead and by blowing shit up in their face, it was an awesome fight.

A Strider, Dog and my favorite weapon, all in one screenshot!
Then we reached an outpost but wrecked the car.  I had to go clean out some enemies from the streets while Alyx was repairing it.  More driving ensued, then a big ambush.  I holed up in a house and defended myself from three hunters and dozens of Combine soldiers.  The crossbow I had just picked up came in really handy!

We eventually reached White Forest where we were attacked by a Strider, the giant three legged creatures. In a surprise twist, Dog, the big robotic canine, came to our rescue and led us to the White Forest facility. We finally delivered the data to the scientists.  Then, of course, the facility was attacked.  I fought off more hunters (with a rocket launcher!) and stopped playing shortly after.  This game is just amazing!

November 15, 2011

Half-Life 2 Episode 2

Date played: November 14th
Platform: PC
Time played: 150 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

I bought HL2 Episode 2 a while back during a Steam sale but never got to playing it.  I loved Half-Life 2 and enjoyed Episode 1 so it makes sense that I would also enjoy Episode 2.  It starts off a bit slow, with Freeman and Alyx getting out of a wrecked train.  Basically, the plot is about bringing data from the Citadel to Alyx's dad and colleagues.
The Combine marches.

Up to now, most of the game has taken place in mines and caves.  While this makes for some fairly boring backgrounds, the actual playing part has been great.  Using things like the Gravity gun, two pistols, an smg and the wonderful shotgun, I tore through legions of ant-lions and other weird creatures.

The best part of the game so far was a standoff in an area with four entrances and two turrets.  Ant-lions came from every direction and I had to hold them off using turrets, AI companions and guns.  Lots and lots of guns.  I then fetched some sort of energy source to heal Alyx after she had been wounded by a combine hunter.  This involved running from a giant glowing creature, physics puzzles and again, lots of shooting.

I eventually made it out of the caves and we are heading towards a car so that we can cover more ground. I also saw my first glimpse of the Combine army, marching in the distance, looking ominous.  I can't wait to see where this game goes.

November 13, 2011


Date played: November 13th
Platform: PC
Time played: 100 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I finished Trine today.  The last three levels were definitely harder than the rest of the game.  The puzzles were tougher, the enemies more numerous and the platforming was just...evil.  It seems like I really had to take advantage of each hero's strengths to succeed.

The ending was really short.  There was a giant skeleton man thing trying to hunt us while navigating the gauntlet-type last level.  It was pretty lame that the only real end was the warrior bonking the skeleton dude on the head with a hammer in a cut-scene.  There was a short epilogue which was pretty funny.  The warrior became an ale brewer, the thief just kept on thieving and the wizard had triplets, all of which mastered the illusive fireball spell as toddlers!

Heroes being heroes
I loved this game and now look forward to the sequel.  I'm thinking I might need a new PC in the near future though as this game is from 2009 and I couldn't even run it in 1080p without having a bad frame rate.

November 9, 2011


Date played: November 9th
Platform: PC
Time played: 75 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I forgot how awesome this game is.  I don't really remember why I stopped playing but I decided today to get back to it for some reason.  I played through three levels, a thicket, some ruins and a mine.  It's a weird game, it's basically a three in one.  A puzzle game, an platformer, and a brawler.

Trine has a great art style
The wizard is usually involved in the puzzles, conjuring planks, boxes and floating platforms.  These are mainly used to navigate the environment, create safe areas or bypass tricky platforming sections.  The knight is a pure brawler.  He does my fighting (for the most part) and is handy when I want to break the shit out of things with a hammer.  The thief is my favorite by far.  She shoots pretty strong arrows, jumps higher, runs faster and best of all, she has a grappling hook.

So I solved puzzles, fought skeletons, explored dangerous areas and gawked at the beautiful graphics in Trine.

November 7, 2011

Resident Evil 5

Beat the game, get a slutty outfit!
Date played: November 7th
Platform: PC
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Well, I had some pretty major internet related issues in the last week (I also went to Rome!) so Steam wouldn't connect.  Needless to say, I didn't have much time to play games in a while. I was glad to see the internet was back to normal levels at the hotel today and I had time to kill so I finished Resident Evil 5.

The last part of the game was mostly boss fights, sprinkled with some regular gameplay aboard Wesker's evil cargo ship.  The bosses were pretty cool, Wesker in particular.  There really isn't much to say about this game that I haven't said before.  It's flashy, it's cool, it's sort of fun, the voice acting is meh, the writing is worse and the actual story is all right.  Overall, the game felt predictable.  Maybe I should have played it in co-op (I won't), maybe I should try Mercenaries or New Game + (again, I won't) but honestly, I'm done with this game.

I hope the next big RE game is less action, more tension.  Shit, some of the enemies in this game I shot with more than 100 bullets before they died.  Zombie or not, at some point, flesh starts to be blown to bits but not in this game.  In this game, the big bald dude still has shiny skin and a bit of blood on him.  Make it tense, make the encounters matter and Capcom will have recaptured what was once great about Resident Evil.

I'm glad I played this but I wouldn't play it again.