July 30, 2013

The Last Of Us

Date played: July 29th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10

Naughty Dog fucking knows what they're doing! I played through the Colorado University chapters. Most of it was pretty standard stuff. In one of the battles, I threw a molotov at a clicker, which proceeded to scream out in horror and attract every other bad guy through the flaming doorway, leaving me only a Bloater to kill. I took out my new flamethrower and burned him until he died. It's super effective! Eventually, it became apparent that the Fireflies had left the school a long long time ago. One of the staff members left a recording indicating that the other Fireflies headed west to a city I forgot the name of...

Then Joel gets badly hurt. A piece of reinforcing bar went through his stomach as a result of a fight. Ellie then had to help Joel fight off some bandits, get him up and off the rebar and help him go through the school again to get back to the horse. This was one of the coolest sequences yet. Joel is hurt, his vision is blurred, his movement slow and wobbly and his aim isn't as good as usual. Ellie shot more than a few guys and saved us both. After we got on the horse, the game makes another hard cut.


I don't want to spoil too much so I'll try to stay as vague as possible. The chapter starts with our hero catching a rabbit out in the woods using the bow. Then, a deer walks by! Sure enough, I had to track it down through the woods without making a sound. I shot it three times with the bow but it was still alive and I had to chase it all the way into a large outpost of some sort. I was then ambushed by two men who wanted the deer. I agreed to trade the deer for some important supplies. We got attacked by infected while talking though, so I ended up pairing with one of the guys to overcome the clickers. The rifle came in really handy as it killed all enemies in one shot. One sequence even had us hiding out in a shack, trying to repel the zombies, kind of like the cabin scene in RE4 or the zombie mode in Treyarch's Call of Duty games.

After taking care of the infected, I got my supplies, got on my horse and escaped the facility by completing a cool chase sequence. I had to pick the right paths to avoid enemies while galloping full speed....then the trusty steed was shot and killed. I am now on foot, trying to make my way back to camp.