July 21, 2013

The Last Of Us

Date played: July 20th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10

Holy fuck.... This game is heartless. Joel was separated from Ellie for a bit and was left with Sam, Henry's little brother. We made our way through a portion of the sewer refugee camp together, killing a few infected until we regrouped with Henry and Ellie. We finally made it out into an open area that was guarded by a very skilled sniper.

This combat sequence felt very different as I really just had to avoid his line of sight. When I got closer, he let out a few goons which I dealt with using mostly molotovs and the pistol. I then sneaked into the house, took out the guy and took his spot at the sniper rifle. This soon became a really fun sniping event where I was forced into aiming mode and had unlimited ammo. I had to take down dozens of infected to protect my three companions until Henry and Sam got pinned down by clickers.

Then it happened. The game fucked with me. Let's just say that Henry and Sam are no longer part of the group and that the game made a hard cut to "Fall". Joel and Ellie went to meet Tommy, Joel's estranged brother and received a warm welcome from their group of survivors. I can't wait to see how this chapter develops!