July 14, 2013

Lego City Undercover

Date played: July 13th and 14th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played a few of the story missions and a couple of side quests. The first mission I played had me investigate an alarm at the limo company. The two guards in front of the place had to be distracted first though. Time for a pool party! I rebuilt a BBQ, got some chicken and played DJ for the party people. Once I distracted the guards with the beautiful smell of chicken and my crazy beats, I found out the limo place was broken into by a ninja, which I chased down through the rooftops. As it turns out, it was Chase's ex-girlfriend! She seems to be running her own little investigation.
Yeeeeeee-awww motherfuckers!

The last mission I played had Chase building a motorcycle for a police officer in exchange for access to a patty wagon. This unlocked a new activity type, a sort of checkpoint time trial event. Once I got that done, I was equipped to bust out a Mafioso from prison to gain favours from the criminals. I picked him up and ran away from the cops.