July 31, 2013

Metal Slug XX

Date played: July 31st
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 6/10

I've always been interested in Metal Slug but since it's such a ruthless arcade game, I never dropped any cash on the series, having only played a few demos and a couple of runs in real arcades. XX was made free on PS Plus, this being a PSP release of Metal Slug 7 on DS. I must say that I really fucking love the art style of these games. Enormous 2D sprites display the explosions, the streams of bullets, the blood and the gorgeous vehicles look amazing. The game handles well too, feeling a lot like the old Contra games.

The problem I have is the game is just too damned hard. So I played on Beginner mode... I have powerful weapons all the time and seemingly infinite continues. This makes the game way too easy but it's also really fun to just mow through all enemies. I made it to Chapter 4 but it's clear that I need to play a harder difficulty to have any real fun here.

The Last Of Us

Date played: July 30th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 8/10

The hero is still trying to reach the hideout. I fought a bunch of dudes, using stealth kills, scissor bombs, molotovs, the rifle, the bow and a shotgun. I only really played one encounter when I ran out of time to play. I did get a nice cut scene where Ellie gets captured by the deer dudes from before and is put into a cage. It quickly becomes clear that they intend to eat her when they run out of food... that shit is creepy. That's where I had to stop playing...

Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition

Blanka is awesome...
Date played: July 30th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played a bit of SSFIVAE on the couch against my friend. He's usually pretty good at games but is not experienced with Street Fighter. We played a few rounds where he just picked characters he thought looked cool. Having played this series extensively, I beat his ass into the fucking ground. To assert my dominance completely, I even played a round with Blanka and cheesed him the fuck out. I rolled into him a few times until he reached the corner, then I jumped in and just used the electric punch attack over and over again, netting me a perfect, cheap ass victory.

I then offered my friend some mentoring. We both picked Ryu, we removed the time limit and I just had him practice basic moves like Haduken, Shoryuken and the flying roundhouse kick move. Eventually, we started having some much closer battles, even though he only managed to win one round. I also played a very successful round as Crimson Viper (she is really fun to play) and a few rounds as Sakura.

July 30, 2013

The Last Of Us

Date played: July 29th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10

Naughty Dog fucking knows what they're doing! I played through the Colorado University chapters. Most of it was pretty standard stuff. In one of the battles, I threw a molotov at a clicker, which proceeded to scream out in horror and attract every other bad guy through the flaming doorway, leaving me only a Bloater to kill. I took out my new flamethrower and burned him until he died. It's super effective! Eventually, it became apparent that the Fireflies had left the school a long long time ago. One of the staff members left a recording indicating that the other Fireflies headed west to a city I forgot the name of...

Then Joel gets badly hurt. A piece of reinforcing bar went through his stomach as a result of a fight. Ellie then had to help Joel fight off some bandits, get him up and off the rebar and help him go through the school again to get back to the horse. This was one of the coolest sequences yet. Joel is hurt, his vision is blurred, his movement slow and wobbly and his aim isn't as good as usual. Ellie shot more than a few guys and saved us both. After we got on the horse, the game makes another hard cut.


I don't want to spoil too much so I'll try to stay as vague as possible. The chapter starts with our hero catching a rabbit out in the woods using the bow. Then, a deer walks by! Sure enough, I had to track it down through the woods without making a sound. I shot it three times with the bow but it was still alive and I had to chase it all the way into a large outpost of some sort. I was then ambushed by two men who wanted the deer. I agreed to trade the deer for some important supplies. We got attacked by infected while talking though, so I ended up pairing with one of the guys to overcome the clickers. The rifle came in really handy as it killed all enemies in one shot. One sequence even had us hiding out in a shack, trying to repel the zombies, kind of like the cabin scene in RE4 or the zombie mode in Treyarch's Call of Duty games.

After taking care of the infected, I got my supplies, got on my horse and escaped the facility by completing a cool chase sequence. I had to pick the right paths to avoid enemies while galloping full speed....then the trusty steed was shot and killed. I am now on foot, trying to make my way back to camp.

July 29, 2013

Lego City Undercover

Date played: July 28th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 8/10

Fly Lizard man thing, fly.
I played through one story mission and a few side things. The mission took place inside one of the large banks of Lego City where Chase had to steal a huge diamond to get on the mobster's good side. The mission was fairly basic though. Most of the gameplay revolved around using the paint gun to change the color of different things in the level to progress. For example, Blue paint can turn a normal white wall into a climbable surface while green paint turns on electronics. The problem is that you have to find changing stations to change colors and those are pretty rare in the over world, leaving a bunch of areas inaccessible until I find the right color.


Frank is a douche, but his robot is worse!
Date played: July 28th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 4/10

Urgh... I forgot this game requires farming. I explored Onett and talked to almost all of it's residents. The writing is easily one of the best qualities of this game as everyone has something funny to say. The dog that channels the game developers voice is one of the funniest... I'm trying to get to the mayor so that I can have access to the road to the next city but that requires a daisy chain of events to be completed before that. The first thing I must do is rid the town of it's little hoodlum gang, led by Frank, the red jacket wearing greaser.

I tried to take him on and I beat him, but there is a second boss fight against his robot right after that and I was just taking too much damage. That means I have to farm experience for a bit... I've upgraded most of my equipment but it still isn't enough. I fought some greasers in the streets for a bit but when they gang up, they can easily take me down. I think I will have to just level up a bit more before moving on.

The Last Of Us

Back to school!
Date played: July 27th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10

Horses! At Tommy's hydro dam camp, Joel tried to leave Ellie with Tommy and his wife Sara. They refused and unfortunately, Ellie heard the conversation. Shortly after that, we find that Ellie is missing and seems to have taken off on a horse on her own. Tommy and Joel then grab a pair of horses of their own and go out looking for her. After a bit of horseback exploration, the two siblings find a ranch house and Ellie's horse. It turns out she was angry, left to let off some steam and was chilling out in a room of the house. After fighting a bunch of bandits around the area, When we got back to the dam, it was predictably being attacked by more bandits. We cleared out the place pretty quickly.

Eventually, Joel came to his senses and decides to accompany Ellie to the Fireflies hideout which Tommy informed us is in the Eastern Colorado University. Once we got off our horses, we started making our way through campus. The first combat scenario was pretty easy, I managed to clear out the room almost entirely stealth with the exception of two guys at the end. I also scored a new flamethrower which I will keep for Bloaters as they seemed to be weak to molotov cocktails. I reached the football field, now populated by monkeys. 

Scott Pilgrim VS The World: The Video Game

Date played: July 27th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 8/10

I farmed some cash in the third level, the one that has me fighting "The Clash At Demonhead". I just wasn't hitting hard enough to make it through on three lives. Maybe I should have focused on defense but went with the Bionic Arm upgrade, a +50 STR item. I also unlocked a very useful move, a sort of bounce attack that got me out of trouble more than once already. The next time I play, I should be strong enough to finish the level.

July 26, 2013

Scott Pilgrim VS The World: The Video Game

Date played: July 25th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10
Rock on!

I played some three player Scott Pilgrim with my brother and his girlfriend. We managed to get through the first level and first boss but we got a bit bored after that. My bro's girlfriend used my level 11 Scott while my brother used the level 3 Ramona. I used Stills for the first time and while he has some really cool animations, I didn't get to a high enough level to be able to use ground attacks. We had a lot of fun laughing at the idle animations too, mainly because, well, boobs. :-)

Zen Pinball 2

This is a fun table!
Date played: July 25th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 9/10

Zen Pinball 2 is turning out to be quite a hit as a hotseat multiplayer game. I played a few four player games with two of my brothers and a girlfriend. We started with a bit of Street Fighter which is actually a pretty good beginner table since it's pretty simple overall. Once people got a bit more comfortable, we jumped into the Clone Wars table, one of the highest scoring and combo heavy tables. Each person's skill level became a lot more evident here. We ended our session with a round on the Plants vs Zombies table which was a hit with one of my bros who is a huge fan of the regular game. 

July 21, 2013


Fuzzy Pickles!
Date played: July 20th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 9/10

Finally, Earthbound is re-released for the first time since 1995. My love for RPG's started with Super Mario RPG, but it grew with games like Earthbound. It's a game that I've never owned though. I rented it many many times, usually having to play from the beginning of the game and never having enough time to finish it. I've always loved the unique setting. There aren't enough games set in a bright, cheery modern day. Every little thing makes a difference such as making a call on a payphone, using an ATM or battling wild snakes with a cracked bat.

I only played through the intro where the meteorite crashes, Ness investigates with his dog and dumb neighbour and meets Buzz-Buzz, the powerful bee who gets hilariously slapped to death by the ugly mom next door. At 9.99$, Nintendo is really pushing it, but I love the game too much to pass up playing it again. 

The Last Of Us

Date played: July 20th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10

Holy fuck.... This game is heartless. Joel was separated from Ellie for a bit and was left with Sam, Henry's little brother. We made our way through a portion of the sewer refugee camp together, killing a few infected until we regrouped with Henry and Ellie. We finally made it out into an open area that was guarded by a very skilled sniper.

This combat sequence felt very different as I really just had to avoid his line of sight. When I got closer, he let out a few goons which I dealt with using mostly molotovs and the pistol. I then sneaked into the house, took out the guy and took his spot at the sniper rifle. This soon became a really fun sniping event where I was forced into aiming mode and had unlimited ammo. I had to take down dozens of infected to protect my three companions until Henry and Sam got pinned down by clickers.

Then it happened. The game fucked with me. Let's just say that Henry and Sam are no longer part of the group and that the game made a hard cut to "Fall". Joel and Ellie went to meet Tommy, Joel's estranged brother and received a warm welcome from their group of survivors. I can't wait to see how this chapter develops!

Zen Pinball 2

This table was fun!
Date played: July 20th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played a bunch of demo tables, I kind of want to buy a few more. The first Marvel pack seemed pretty damn outstanding. Spider-Man and Iron Man seemed to be the strongest overall, both having fun ramps and a good flow. Blade and Wolverine felt pretty good too. I also tried a few Zen original tables and they definitely felt older and less... fleshed out. Maybe I'll buy that first Marvel pack soon.

July 20, 2013

Final Fantasy VI

Date played: July 19th
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 8/10

Whew! Lots of story developments going on here... We opened the gate for the Espers but they flew off in a rage and started destroying shit. As soon as we got out of the dungeon, we got on the airship and headed for the empire's continent to see if we could talk to them. As soon as we got there, the ship was attacked and crashed.... boo! Unfortunately, that means walking is back in style. We made our way to the capital where were to meet with the Emperor. Before the big talk, there was a cool sequence where I had to go speak to as many guards as possible in the castle to gain some support for our cause. I think I managed to speak to about 20 in four minutes.

The Emperor's banquet
We then had a very interesting meal at a banquet with the Emperor. He claims that the war is over and that we must fight together to save the world from the Esper's destructive rampage. Terra agreed to speak with the Espers and will go with Locke. The others will stay behind. I think I will get to see their adventures later, but for now, I headed to a nearby port to get on a boat. Terra and Locke had the surprise of being joined once more by Shadow, the bad ass ninja with a cute puppy. Our three man team is now ready to go meet the Espers. 

Zen Pinball 2

Moon Knight is a sexy table!
Date played: July 19th
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 7/10

Zen Pinball 2 is a great way to kill a few minutes on the go... I played a bit of Ghost Rider, Plants vs Zombies and X-Men but most of my time was spent with Moon Knight's amazing ramps. That table feels just right. The ramps flow well, the missions are cool and the bumpers are not too nasty. I've noticed that a few tables piss me off every time. Ghost Rider seems like it's too big, Plants vs Zombies has one ramp that is a bit too steep and X-Men has occasional shitty bounces that kill a whole game. Moon Knight does it perfectly. 

The Last Of Us

Date played: July 18th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10

Joel and Ellie made it out of Pittsburgh. It all started with a sort of duel between our dynamic duo and the god damned Humvee that's been fucking with us since we arrived. We had to hide from the truck's field of view, often while taking out other bad guys. Eventually, we reached a safe spot, only to be ambushed by a black dude.

After a brief brawl, it became obvious that the man was just another survivor, named Henry. He also has a little teenage partner, a boy named Sam. All four of us made our way to their hideout, an architect's office. After resting, we decided to try making it out of the city. With two extra pairs of hands, it should be easier.

At night, we sneaked out, took out a bunch of guards and hid from the Humvee again. Then, shit hit the fan. Our two new friends abandon us in favor of saving their own skin. Ellie goes back to Joel where they are eventually forced to jump down the giant bridge. Considering Ellie can't swim, that was a dangerous proposition. Thankfully, the Henry and Sam felt bad about leaving us and saved us from drowning. We explored the sandy beach for a bit where we discovered a sailor's abandoned fishing boat and a sewer entrance. We are trying to reach a communications tower where Henry's friends are waiting.

In the sewers, we found evidence of a large group of survivors that has been recently wiped out. The place is rigged with tons of traps and alarms but we still had to fight a few infected. I stopped playing once I reached a depressing room filled with toys, a man's corpse, about three children's corpses and a message scrawled on the floor. "They didn't suffer..." it said....

July 17, 2013

Lego City Undercover

Date played: July 16th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 7/10

I didn't have much time to play but I still managed to play a mission, got a new costume skill and explored a new area. Chase helped out the mafioso from the previous mission by ramming a car into a large airport transport truck until it's driver ran away. Chase then stole the truck and brought it to the big boss. The scene where they meet feels straight out of an 80's spoof movie like Airplane or Naked Gun, it was genuinely funny!

After that, I just explored the new area, a sort of Italian district of sorts, complete with canals and gelato shops. I also unlocked a new tool for the robber costume, a paint gun. It seems that all the weird grey objects I have been seeing in the world need to be colored with this gun. The catch is that the object must be colored the correct color. For example, a tree should be green. The gun comes in pink by default, it's colors must be changed at little color stations around the world. It seems like this will open a whole new set of objectives! I also completed one car robbery mission.

July 15, 2013

The Last Of Us

It seems even the apocalypse can't save us from Twilight-mania
Date played: July 14th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played through a gameplay heavy segment in Pittsburgh. I made it out of the hotel alive, thanks to a surprise save by Ellie. She thought Joel was taking too long and started looking for him. As luck would have it, she shot a bad guy in the head just as Joel was about to be drowned by him in a small pool of water in the hotel dining room. We then made our way out of the place through a beautiful room, a sort of piano/dining hall.

After all that, Ellie pressured Joel (again) to give her a gun. He gave her a rifle and she was extremely useful in the next encounter. The local militia is starting to be really scared of our duo. They speak of the pick-up truck team in hushed tones, making up stories and stuff. I fought about 12 guys in an open area. I took out most of them stealthily, but then resorted to pistols, the bow, molotov cocktails and scissor bombs. Ellie saved my ass once and killed two or three guys. She now has pistol at all times and has helped a few times. 

July 14, 2013

Rayman Legends Challenges App

Date played: July 14th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 7/10

Once again, the awkwardness of the eShop has hidden a good download from me. I seemed to have missed this completely but in lieu of Rayman Legends proper release, Ubisoft has released this challenge app that serves up daily and weekly challenges. One level was an endurance run type of event where I had to go as far as possible through the level before getting swallowed whole by the chasing flames. It was really fun and I ran a good distance, though I could have done a lot better if I tried a few more times.
The second map was more of a time trial event. I had to fall down a huge ravine bordered by spikes. It's a very short level, my best time was around 21 seconds. 

Tank! Tank! Tank!

Date played: July 14th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 6/10

The eShop could be a lot easier to use... I was navigating through the convoluted menus of Nintendo's digital store front and randomly found out that there is a free to play version of Tank! Tank! Tank!. The catch is that there is a three play per day limit. I played it in two player mode. We tried to complete a city attack event but we didn't manage to kill the giant three headed mechanical dragon...

We couldn't bring this fucker down...
The game is actually an enhanced port of an older arcade game, and it shows. The graphics are pretty ugly and it's a very simple game. However, it's actually really fun. I played on the tablet and my partner played on the TV. The first part of the mission has us destroy 100 arachnoid enemies with rockets and machine guns. The second part is where it got really interesting though. The giant mechanical dragon attacked us and yes, defeated us. After the three allowed attempts, we figured we would have to try another day.

Lego City Undercover

Date played: July 13th and 14th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played a few of the story missions and a couple of side quests. The first mission I played had me investigate an alarm at the limo company. The two guards in front of the place had to be distracted first though. Time for a pool party! I rebuilt a BBQ, got some chicken and played DJ for the party people. Once I distracted the guards with the beautiful smell of chicken and my crazy beats, I found out the limo place was broken into by a ninja, which I chased down through the rooftops. As it turns out, it was Chase's ex-girlfriend! She seems to be running her own little investigation.
Yeeeeeee-awww motherfuckers!

The last mission I played had Chase building a motorcycle for a police officer in exchange for access to a patty wagon. This unlocked a new activity type, a sort of checkpoint time trial event. Once I got that done, I was equipped to bust out a Mafioso from prison to gain favours from the criminals. I picked him up and ran away from the cops. 

July 12, 2013

The Last Of Us

Date played: July 11th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 8/10

I only had time to play for about half an hour but I still made a bit of progress in The Last Of Us. I played through an interesting area, patrolled by a ton of human enemies. I sneaked around and strangled most of them. At the end, I was spotted when there were still three dudes around so I shot two with a revolver and bashed the other's face into a concrete wall. We then navigated through an elevator shaft, only to have it collapse of course.
The human shield ability is very useful.

Joel and Ellie are now separated. Joel is making his way through the lower floors in the building, trying to get back to Ellie. The area is filled with evil spores, fungus people, clickers and even a bloater. I was taken by surprise during the encounter and didn't manage to make it out alive. I will have to try again with better strategy and stronger weapons.

Call of Duty Black Ops 2

Date played: July 11th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played a few rounds of Team Deathmatch with my roommate, each on our own TV this time. I did pretty well, scoring above 1.0 K/D consistently. The highlight of the night has to be my friend's highest scoring match. She was in the zone for this one and racked up an impressive 21 kills in a short amount of time. It's kind of weird though, as big a fan of this series as I am, I just can't get excited for the upcoming Ghosts. Maybe it's because I haven't loved Infinity Ward's games as much, maybe it's because next-gen is right around the corner or maybe it's just COD fatigue... 

July 11, 2013

Lego City Undercover

Date played: July 10th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played some Lego City Undercover last night. This game is such a fucking blur because outside of missions, the game is just a giant playground. I explored the city a bit, built some changing rooms, collected fancy bricks, unlocked tons of characters (no vehicles this time though...) and even moved a bear from his sleeping spot by building a fishing pole, catching a fresh fish and throwing it at the bear so it would move.
Downtown is really cool to explore
This game is full of funny little quests, items, characters and locations. One of my favorites was the amazing Lego store in the downtown area. Not only is it very cute and pretty, it even has a little quest to go inside and build a pirate ship, a dragon and a space shuttle. If only it was 2 players...

July 9, 2013

Zen Pinball 2

Date played: July 7th, 9th and 10th
Platform: Vita/PS3
Session fun rating: 8/10

I was playing some Zen Pinball 2 on Vita while I was watching a movie with friends. I played mostly the Star Wars tables. For some reason, they are always a ton of fun to play and I couldn't even tell you why!

After the movie was over, I booted up the PS3 version and downloaded four new tables, one of the Marvel packs. Ghost Rider is my favorite so far, though I've only played it once. Moon Knight was kind of ok, but nothing special. Thor was cool looking and fun, but I'm not sure it has staying power. X-MEN was a bit poor honestly, though I was tired by then and didn't really play well.

Scott Pilgrim VS The World: The Video Game

Matthew Patel, the first evil ex.
Date played: July 7th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10

3 player Scott Pilgrim on a couch and an HDTV? Sign me right the fuck up please.

I loved my time playing this game with two friends. One of them doesn't really play a lot of games so she used my level 11 Scott while the other picked the bassist. I used Ramona, mostly for the panty shots...and her sick hammer. We played through the first level and boss then called it quits.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater

I thought Trasher would be better... I was wrong.
Date played: July 7th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 3/10

This game has NOT aged well at all... Wow.

My friend busted out this copy of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater out of a drawer and asked me if I wanted to play. I've always been a fan of the these games, I was really into it until THUG. Then I played Project 8 which I liked at the time.

The first game is uglier than a 60 year old Vegas crack whore. It handles fairly well for it's age, but it still controls badly. There aren't enough moves to have fun and some of the levels are just awful, like the Mall. 

Call of Duty Black Ops 2

Date played: July 7th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played a lot of split screen online matches with my friend. It always a lot harder playing in split screen, mostly because of the audio... It's freaky having a grenade explode when there is no one else around. We played Ground War so there was a lot players, which was refreshing, except that the lag was awful. I barely stayed above 1.0 K/D ratio. There was only one match where I scored a nice 21-5 or something, that was nice.

July 7, 2013

LittleBigPlanet Karting

Date played: July 5th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 6/10

After waiting more than 20 minutes for this game to patch, my brother and I finally got around to playing a bit. It makes a good first impression with a very cool intro video, good art and the always pleasant LBP narrator. The tutorial quickly makes it clear that this is a straight up Mario Kart clone. It controls the same, it feels the same and it drifts the same. Those are good things.

We exclusively played online with some user created levels and other players. We are both pretty damn good at racing games and have been playing kart games together since the original Super Mario Kart so we fucking destroyed all other players. The first level we played was a complete remake of Moo Moo Farm from Mario Kart 64. It was very well made and even had custom built items. We played that three times in a row...

We then tried two other maps. One was completely borked. The interface was absent, the split screen wasn't working and we got stuck in a corner somewhere. Still, it had some amazing jumps, some crazy crocodiles and even an avalanche. Overall, I liked my time with this game but it could be a lot fucking better.

July 6, 2013

Rayman Legends demo

Date played: July 5th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 9/10

My brother was visiting and we wanted to try LittleBigPlanet Karting. I downloaded LBP Karting from PSN Plus but had never played it. The PS3 being what it is, it had four patches to download. That's right, a game that was downloaded directly from the internet required four fucking patches. To kill time while the PS3 did it's thing, we played the Rayman Legends demo again...

July 5, 2013

Scott Pilgrim VS The World The Video Game

Date played: July 4th and 5th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 9/10

For 2$, I couldn't pass this up, even if I already have the 360 version. I played through the first two levels and bosses. I had a much easier time with the game than the last time I played because I started abusing the shops to boost my stats. I didn't realize that the food was giving me huge stat boosts when I first played and this made it a lot more enjoyable.
The game controls really well and of course, it still looks amazing (I can't wait to try it on my big screen tv...).  I'm having a hard time beating the third boss but I'm getting really close. I think if I'm just a little more careful, I won't have any problems next time. I also played a bit of multiplayer as Ramona with my brother playing as Scott. It's a lot easier to get juggles going with another player present...

Gran Turismo 6 demo

You look great baby, too bad you can't race.
Date played: July 4th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 3/10

Polyphony Digital just doesn't fucking get it do they? This is one of the most boring racing games I've played in a while. Don't get me wrong, it's a great driving game, but it's not racing game. The AI is dumber than Chris Brown, the collision physics feel like they are straight out of early '90's Stunts and sounds are as boring as a lecture on chemistry.

To be fair, it looks great, runs great and has some amazing replays. It also drives pretty damn well. It's just too bad that it feels more like a time trial simulator than a racing game. Plus, the game starts you in a fucking Nissan Leaf. Come on. I eventually graduated to the beautiful 370z which is a lot more fun to drive. I think I'll stick to Grid.

Jurassic Park: Builder

Date played: Almost everyday
Platform: iOS/Android
Session fun rating: 5/10

I've been playing this game for 5 minutes every day. This is another one of these free to play building games, but this time, you're building your own Jurassic Park! I'm up to level 15 after months of very casual play. I have five herbivores, seven carnivores and two underwater dinosaurs. I've always loved dinosaurs so this fits perfectly. I play it mostly on iPad but I've recently discovered that it's also available on Android so I play it a bit on my Galaxy S3 also. It plays a lot better on iPad honestly. My favorite dinosaur is my Brachiosaurus!
My Jurassic Park

July 4, 2013

Final Fantasy VI

Edward is in my active party now
Date played: July 2nd and 3rd
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 8/10

I needed a relaxing game to play while in bed last night so FFVI seemed like a good one to continue. I initiated my travels with a visit to the auction house, where I scored two new Espers, for a hefty price of course. Since I just got the airship, I looked up a few FAQ's to see if there was anything useful I could do and found a spot to steal some Genji Gear from some monsters. The gear is stronger than anything I've had before so I farmed for three of them.

I then headed for Narshe where I had a conversation with a wise dude about what to do next. We decided that the only way we could take out the Empire was with the Esper's help from the World of Ruin. Terra seems best suited for this task as she is a human/esper hybrid. Before heading to the dungeon that opens the gate between worlds, I recruited Mog in a fun side quest through the mines of Narshe.

I then started the dungeon, a place filled with lava and fire-resistant enemies. I found a lot of cool gear in there and the enemies haven't given me any real trouble yet. I've swapped out Setzer for Edward as he seems a lot more powerful and versatile. 

July 2, 2013

Zen Pinball 2

Date played: July 1st
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 9/10

To celebrate Canada Day, I spent some time with my family. It was also a great time to finish my man-cave, which is almost complete now. That means I now have a very comfortable spot to go play games, so I had to test it out proper! I played some split screen Zen Pinball 2 with my brother. The mode is essentially a race for the highest score. While the concept is really good, the interface kind of sucks and often would obscure the playing field and made it more difficult to see all the ramps and knick-knacks at the top of the table.
My man-cave
We had a lot more fun with the hot seat mode and we added a third player. Each player gets three balls and you pass the controller to the next person when a ball is lost. We had tons of fun exploring the tables together, trying to learn their more obscure features. It's a lot easier to learn a table when watching someone else since you don't have to focus on the ball so much. The table we had the most fun with is the Avengers. That table is complex, fast and has some really cool features that could never be done on a physical table, such as a jet launching and all sorts of crazy shit.