Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 6/10
I've always been interested in Metal Slug but since it's such a ruthless arcade game, I never dropped any cash on the series, having only played a few demos and a couple of runs in real arcades. XX was made free on PS Plus, this being a PSP release of Metal Slug 7 on DS. I must say that I really fucking love the art style of these games. Enormous 2D sprites display the explosions, the streams of bullets, the blood and the gorgeous vehicles look amazing. The game handles well too, feeling a lot like the old Contra games.
The problem I have is the game is just too damned hard. So I played on Beginner mode... I have powerful weapons all the time and seemingly infinite continues. This makes the game way too easy but it's also really fun to just mow through all enemies. I made it to Chapter 4 but it's clear that I need to play a harder difficulty to have any real fun here.