April 29, 2013

NHL 13

Habs are going down baby!
Date played: April 28th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10

I was feeling pretty down this weekend and ended up hanging out with a friend. We played two NHL 13 matches. The first was a VS between me and her, I played as the Sens (YOU'RE GOING DOWN MONTREAL!) and she played as the Avalanche. I won 1-0 and as usual, I had trouble putting it in the back of the net. I had three times the amount of shots on goal as my friend but it wasn't enough for more than one measly goal.

The second game, we played together as the Sens against the Blackhawks and easily won 2-0. We were clearly dominating and while the other dudes got a few quality chances, we were hammering away at the net for most of the game.