April 13, 2013

NHL 13

NHL 14 is coming soon!
Date played: April 11th and 12th
Platform: PS3
Session fun rating: 10/10

I've been seeing a lot of friends and family lately and haven't been gaming a lot, however, NHL is always a good way to socialize with dudes so I ended up playing quite a bit of NHL recently. I played a few versus matches with my bro and his friend. While I lost my game, I made an amazing comeback. My brother was leading 4-1, then I scored two goals. The game was about to end when I pulled my goalie and managed a goal in the last two seconds of the third period. I eventually lost in shootouts but it was quite an epic match. We then played a 2 vs 1 game, I was alone and won by a goal.

The next day I played two matches with my buddy against some randoms on PSN. We actually lost both games but we played pretty damn well. The first game was against a very strong player who was always on the puck and had amazing stick work. He also learned our techniques quickly, making it a lot tougher to score goals. The second game was much closer and honestly, we should have won but luck wasn't on our side.