March 28, 2012

World of Warcraft

Hacked like it was 1995 baby
Date played: March 26th
Platform: PC
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating: 1/10

My friend dragged me into accepting his scroll of resurrection so that he gets a free mount. I got a free character transfer and faction change with it. I grabbed my 80 Dwarf Priest and transferred him to my friend's server. I chose to go with Undead this time as I never really played one. The heart breaking part of my little adventure is that my priest had been hacked. I still had most of my armor but I had no weapons, no money and of course had no spells, talents or addons. On top of that, the fuck face who hacked me even made the effort of killing my dude until all my armor was broken.

Thankfully, my friend gave me 200 gold to get me started and showed me where the 80+ zones start. He paid for my first month so I might play a bit but I doubt it, Mass Effect 3 is way more fun at the moment.