March 13, 2012

Mass Effect 3

Date played: March 12th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played a bunch of side missions today, mostly in the Citadel. Basically, everything I'm doing is to bolster the war effort. There is even a gauge in game that shows how successful our team will be based on the types of support we receive. As an example, when I got back to the Citadel, I found the Asari who was in charge of Omega, the bandit city of the Terminus systems. She gave me some quests to gain the help of the mercenary factions she controlled before Cerberus took over Omega. When I completed one of the quests, I had points added to my war effort!

So I did a whole lot of those, whatever was easily accessible. Then I started a meatier side quest where I had to go find some school for biotics that was under attack by Cerberus and save the students. This must have been meant for a higher level player because I had to switch to disc 2 and the enemies were a lot tougher than I was used to. The worst being those engineer fuckers who drop turrets like a drunk club slut drops her panties. The turrets do a lot of damage quickly.

So I stormed the school, saving students and shooting Cerberus agents until I met someone from my past. Jack was there and she's a teacher now! She also has hair and seems more mature. I then helped her and her students escape, including a cool sequence where I got to ride a giant mech with rockets and shit. I am also using a new party member now, EDI, the Normandy's AI, decided to make herself a robotic body and join the fight. She is focused on tech powers, as is to be expected, and one of her best powers is decoy. It springs a fake EDI on the front lines and distracts enemies for a bit. She looks really cool but I'm not sure I will use her much, being an infiltrator. I kind of need someone with a shotgun and someone with biotic abilities to complement my sniping and tech powers.

I ran into a bug at the end of the mission though as for some reason, the game thought there were still enemies around but I couldn't find him and had to shut down the game since it wouldn't trigger the next cut scene. That sucks!