Date played: March 8th and 9th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 260 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10
Finally, Mass Effect 3 is out and in my disc drive! I fucking loved both of the previous games and am really excited to bring over my Commander Shepard onto to the last game. Unfortunately, there seems to be a bug where ME3 is not able to recover the physical appearance of the imported character Shepard. So I start playing and the game asks me to import a character which I do of course. The decisions are all there, the dead party members are reflected in ME3 and everything looks fine until the face shows up. Long story short, I had to remake my femshep and thankfully, I was able to make her look very similar to the original.
My Femshep is much cooler than this Femshep |
The intro of the game is on Earth where Shep is hanging out. The Reapers are attacking Earth and shit is blowing up all around. Cue some tutorials about movement, shooting and cover. As soon as I could, I dug through the game's extensive codex and read every single entry. That must have taken a good hour by itself.
Shortly after the tutorials, Shepard, Ashley and James (a new guy) are headed to Mars to find Liara who is supposed to have found the schematics for a device that could destroy the Reapers. I don't want to spoil too much so I'll just say that there was some fighting to be had on Mars followed by a messed up conversation with the Illusive Man, the head of Cerberus.
After picking up Liara and digging up the info she needed from Mars, we headed to the Citadel to begin the real mission, gather help from all the other species to unite against the Reapers. I talked to the council and have a job to do for the Turian to gain his race's aid. I also had to visit a beaten up Ashley in the hospital after a rough fight on Mars.
There wasn't much to explore on the Citadel, at least not yet, but damn it feels good to see those epic vistas. This is easily of the most awe inspiring graphics I've seen in a while. It might be because I'm such a fucking sci-fi nerd but it really looks great. On the Citadel, I picked up my old Mass Effect 2 doctor to join my crew and I also allowed a reporter to join. We'll see how that pans out, my Shepard has a history of punching journalists in the face. Oh, I also punched a journalist in the face.
I had forgotten how much I love this series and it's nice to see I still do. I stopped playing before heading back to the Normandy, I can't wait to see the changes that were made in it, if any!