April 9, 2014

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions

Date played: April 6th and 7th
Platform: Vita
Session fun rating: 7/10

I felt the itch for some turn based strategy RPG'ing, so I booted up War of the Lions, the PSP version of the classic PS1 game. I have played it a little bit in the past on PS1, but never got very deep in it. I played the first few chapters, building my little team of warriors slowly, but surely.

The game looks quite dated, and it's really unfortunate that there is quite a bit of slow down when spells are used. The mechanics are still pristine however. The game plays well and is very deep. My team now has a powerful squire in Ramza, the hero. I have an AI controlled chemist that heals my team for free and intelligently in Delita. I have two powerful and well armored Knights. I have a white mage that heals my team and casts protect and shell. I have a very powerful black mage that dies to the slightest attack. I have another squire that I'm building up a bit and a weak and useless archer.

I like this game, but it's VERY slow to play, which is a bit discouraging. I might stick with it this time, time will tell.