February 3, 2011

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Date played: February 1st
Platform: Wii
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 9\10

My girlfriend and I are almost at the end of this game and it's been fantastic so far.  We did a few challenge levels.  We also fought Meta Knight, the Space World boss and he was actually a lot more difficult than the other bosses. It's a very frantic fight and lots of fun!

We then did the two bonus levels of Space World, one a tank level and the other a rocket level.  It was a nice break from the regular platforming.  Then we played the first level of last world.  Dream Land reminded me a lot of the old Gameboy games and has me excited for the newly announced Wii Kirby game.

Since we are nearing the end of the game, my girlfriend has been talking about Little Big Planet 2 a lot and it seems like it will be our next game together.