February 28, 2011

You Don't Know Jack

Date played: February 27th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 25 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I played this with my brother and his new girlfriend.  I won both games but it was mostly because they were a bit too reckless on the Jack Attack.  Otherwise, it would have been much closer.

This game really is meant to be played with others and I urge anyone to stay away from playing this by yourself.  Also, one Dis or Dat category was really cool, it was the 10 best TV shows and the 10 worst TV shows according to TV Guide magazine!


Dump a dump truck.  Get it?
Date played: February 27th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Well, I played the first episode and started the second one.  This game is pretty damn fun to be honest.  I sent a cruise ship on fire, I made a tanker ship slide off the road and I made a helicopter dump a giant dump truck in the middle of the road, to name a few.

This game rocks.

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Date played: February 27th
Platform: Wii
Time played: 10 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

We thought we would have more time to play but the baby woke up and broke up our play time after one level.  It was good though, it was Dedede's castle or something like that and it's the last level before the last boss I think.  It had some cool parts where we had to time our jumps while riding fluffy cannonballs.
You ugly Dedede

We will most likely finish this the next time we play.

Dead Space 2

Freaky bitch
Date played: February26th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 140 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Well, I'm nearing the end.  Spolers ahead.

I'm now in the middle of Chapter 13 and I can smell the ending.  I passed a cool bit where I ride on top of a giant mobile drill while the Australian lady shouts funny things at me all the while killing off scores of Necromorph.

I also saved her ass by forcing her to escape when we found a working frigate while I went on to destroy the marker.  Now I'm facing off against some military dudes by unleashing Necromorphs on them.  I also had a nice talk with imaginary Nicole.  I can't wait to see how this wraps up.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: February 25th, 26th and 27th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Same old, same old.

Can't wait for the new maps to freshen this up a bit, they are coming out later this week.

World of Warcraft

Date played: February 25th, 26th and 27th
Platform: PC
Time played: 300 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

Level 40 Dire Maul?  Whaaaaaat?
Well, I grinded some instances over the weekend.  I also farmed a few herbs in Western Plaguelands to level my inscription to 174.  This is now a level 35ish zone but it used to be 50+ the last time I played this game and everything is difference now.

I reached level 39 through instances and got Lightwell.  It turns out it's pretty strong but not all groups understand how to use it.  I did Uldaman which is now easier than it's ever been.  I also did SM Cathedral and had the pleasure of looting the nice one hand mace that drops there.  I also did a few runs of Maraudon and even Dire Maul.

Dire Maul is another of those spots that used to be much higher level but is now around the level 40 range.

February 26, 2011

Dead Space 2

Vintage Circa 2410 AD
Date played: February 24th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 90 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Wow.  This game keeps getting better.  I completed Chapter 10 and started Chapter 11.  Chapter 10 was great, it had good pacing, some good fighting sequences, some nice Zero G and even some closure for Isaac and Nicole.  There was also a nice little surprise for Strauss which I won't spoil.

There was a great sequence on a large elevator.  This is the kind of stuff you see in many games where you  must fight a certain amount of enemies while you reach your destination.  The reason it's better in Dead Space than in other games is that the core game mechanics are just so good.  I took out my Ripper and tore the place apart.

I also bought the Advanced suit and it looks pretty cool but I still prefer the look of the Vintage suit.

February 25, 2011


Date played: February 24th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I picked up Split/Second for cheap in a bargain bin.  I had been waiting for this game to go down in price because it looked like something I would enjoy, but not 60$ worth of something I would enjoy.
Heh.  Awesome.

Either way, I played the tutorial and the first two events and I like this game a lot.  It's fast, has nice graphics and the destruction "hook" is really cool.  Honestly though, it feels a lot like Burnout with location specific weapons.  That's not really a bad thing.

I will definitely play more of this and I want to try playing online.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: February 24th and 25th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 50 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Marathon user.
Same as usual here.  I played about four games of TDM.  I got frustrated in one of the matches because the other team was mostly using SMG's and running around wildly on Summit.  This made it difficult for me to get a lot of kills with my trusty M60 so I decided to go with the Stakeout after dying three or four times in a row.

That worked wonders against the little fuckers.  I don't like using it too often because it's limited in it's effectiveness but it can help against Marathon runnin', aK74u wieldin', hip-firin' children.

I also had a few good matches on WMD and Nuketown respectively.  WMD is great for someone like me who uses the M60 at mid range and Nuketown.... well I guess I got a bit lucky in Nuketown.

World of Warcraft

No, no, no... the OTHER RFK!
Date played: February 24th and 25th
Platform: PC
Time played: 80 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

I only ran Razorfen Kraul tonight.  It's the first time I run it in Cataclysm and it's quite different than it was before.  I had a great group though.  I'm level 33 but the tank was level 38 so that made things much easier than if I had been in a group my level.

I got some new bracers and shoulders so that was cool.

I also farmed herbs in STV again to level inscription and ran SM Library and SM Armory.  I got the robe off Doan's dirty body.  Sweet.

February 24, 2011

World of Warcraft

Date played: February 23rd
Platform: PC
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I reached level 31 and leveled inscription to 117.  Not bad.  I spent about 30 minutes farming herbs in Northern STV and 30 minutes running SM Graveyard and SM Library. I looted some nice shoulders and the legendary Illusionary Rod.  Now I'm only missing the Robes of Doan.

Library was a bit tougher than other instances.  Mobs hit harder and our tank was in a hurry so he had a lot of enemies on him at all times.  Nevertheless, no one died.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: February 23rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10
HQ = farming

Nothing to see here folks.

I played some matches of TDM and one match of Headquarters.  I now remember why I don't play HQ.  While the concept is great and when played properly, it's really fun, many people don't play it as intended.

The game I played was on Jungle and we got destroyed by the other team.  That would be ok except for the fact  that they essentially farmed kills at the end.  They camped the HQ, did not capture it and farmed kills. That was boring, dumb and frustrating.

Screw HQ.

February 23, 2011

World of Warcraft

Date played: February 22nd
Platform: PC
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Add tusks and some orange hair and this is my priest.
Well, today I spent some time farming herbs in Durotar and Northern Barrens to level up Inscription. After I started shopping for glyphs, I was floored by the exorbitant prices these things go for these days so I decided to make them myself and/or make enough money from it to afford to buy the glyphs I can't make yet.  It also seemed to have a cool mechanic where you must mill ingredients from plants, similar to what has been done for Jewel Crafting.

I managed to reach level 104 in Inscription and put up a few high demand glyphs on the AH.  I hope they sell.....

I also ran SM Graveyard and Gnomeregan and looted a nice pair of boots in Gnomer and reached level 30.  I did buy Dual-Spec but I don't really see the point right now.  I selected Disc just to see what it's like but after spending the points, I feel like I won't like it.  It seems to rely a bit too much on shields and smite.  I guess I could build a shadow spec to DPS every once in a while but since I just do dungeons, I would rather just play Holy.

Dead Space 2

Date played: February 22nd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Holy fuck this game is scary disturbing stressful.  Every time I play,  I feel tense and I get twitchy trigger fingers.  I only played a short period today but it was enough to get my heart pumping.  SPOILERS ahead.

I was running through the supposedly "decontaminated" USG Ishimura.  It was quiet and empty for a disturbingly long period.  I was expecting a monster to attack me at every corner and it never seemed to come. Then, like a frying pan to the head, it hit me.  A giant gorilla-like monster jumped out at me from I don't know where and started running after me.  I took out my trusty Seeker rifle, slowed the dude down with stasis and shot him a few times in his damn dirty ape shoulders.

After that point, the monsters started coming out fast and hard.  I'm glad I spent some nodes upgrading my Stasis skill, it helps a lot....  I eventually reached a large room where I had to solve a puzzle involving lining up pipes by placing panels on a cylinder in zero-g which was pretty fun.  I can't wait to see where this game goes next.

Apparently, the two new DLC chapters are coming out the first week of March so I'll try to finish the game before then.
This is one of the controllable characters from the Severed DLC

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: February 22nd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
I wish these were the attack dogs.
Session fun rating: 7/10

I only played a few matches today.  I did pretty good but did nothing out of the ordinary.  I did get in one match where the other team got dogs and I killed at least 6 dogs by myself before getting shot down by a player.

Those little canine bastards are quite a distraction and can get kills pretty easily.  Too bad it's an 11 killstreak, that's a bit too rare for me to use but it sure is fun to get them.  Hell, I think I just might equip them the next time I play, just for shits and giggles.

February 22, 2011

Killzone 3 demo

Date played: February 21st
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Killzone 3 is out this week.  I won't buy it right away but after playing the single player demo, I'm sold.  After I finish Dead Space 2, this is probably next on my list.  I did like the campaign in Killzone 2 so I'm excited to see what they can do in the third game.

The demo was really cool.  It starts you off in an air transport vehicle manning a turret.  You and your team slowly fly around and take out enemy facilities that are built on top of a river or something.  Then you crash land and must grab a jetpack (fuck yeah!) to go take out a large anti-air cannon.  I also took out some tanks and stuff with a large missile launcher.

The game plays faster than the last one and that's a welcome change.  Sev, the main character, moves faster, aims faster and just feels lighter overall.  The combat feels good and the new melee moves are brutal.  Also, it's worth noting that the graphics are simply spectacular.  This is one of the best-looking games I've ever played.

Check it out for yourselves, the demo is free!

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: February 21st
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 80 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

I did amazing today.  I think it's because I was trying to get Hardline Pro just for fun and since it asks to get killstreaks, I guess I made a better effort.  One of the challenges was to get 7 killstreaks in one game and the other is to share 10 care packages with teammates.
Fun but can't replace Scavenger Pro for me.

For the seven killstreaks in one match, it was pretty easy.  I equipped a 3-4-5 setup which with Hardline basically became 2-3-4 so I got that real quick on Array with a Spy Plane, Counter-Spy plane and care package. I also shared my two care packages with teammates.

For the second piece of the challenge, I equipped Sam Turret, Care Package and Sentry Gun.  I managed to share 6 packages in one game of Team Deathmatch.  I just threw down the first Sam Turret then camped it until enemies showed up and got the other two killstreaks by defending it.  Then I waited until my team picked them up, died and did it again.  I got the last two shares in the next game.

Then I just stopped using Hardline, I missed spamming concussion grenades and frags so I went back to Scavenger Pro.  I did amazing on Firing Range and Summit, recording a fantastic 27-1 game and a 26-2 game respectively.  I was hot last night.  I was moving fairly slow, was alert and accurate.  I think the fact that I was using Spy Plane, Napalm and Chopper Gunner helped too.  I always underestimate the value of the spy plane.

February 20, 2011

Dead Space 2

THE coolest space ship.
Date played: February 18th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

If Dead Space 2 isn't nominated for game of the year, there is something wrong with game journalists.  This game is just awesome.  SPOILERS ahead for Chapter 10.

I reached Chapter 10 but before that, I killed a bunch of black necromorphs and I destroyed a giant nest by shooting explosive canisters at some machinery.  I also got the Vintage suit which looks like something out of Bioshock.  Now Chapter 10, I only barely started but already, it's fucking awesome for one specific reason.  Are you ready for it?

USG Ishimura

That is all.

February 18, 2011

World of Warcraft

Date played: February 16th, 17th, 18th, 20th and 21st
Time played: 240 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

The Horde in Stormwind!
I did a bunch of instances again for the last two evenings.  I did Shadowfang Keep, Wailing Caverns, Blackfathom Depths and Stockades.  I upgraded a few pieces of gear and got my first ring.  I now have all blues except that ring.

I also re-specced to have Inspiration which is a fantastic talent as it reduces damage taken by the tank by 10%.  I've been pretty successful in instances, having only one DPS die on me in about 6 or 7 instances.  I love healing, I love instances, I just hate everything else about WoW.

I also did a few runs of Gnomeregan and that place is still awful but at least it's good EXP.  I did reach level 29 and finally got Fade which shouldn't normally be very good but it's amazing with bad groups.

Oh yeah and one of the runs, a Shaman was tanking.  That was awful but we all survived.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: February 16th, 18th and 20th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 160 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

You're blind motherfucker!
I was pretty good today.  I got some good games on Firing Range, Summit and Array.  It seems I do better when I play slow and don't sprint but when I get killed a lot, I tend to sprint so that I can get kills faster but it just ends up getting me killed.

I've also started using the counter-spy plane instead of the sentry gun.  I love the sentry gun but I don't like having to wait for a crate.  Counter-spy planes don't get anyone any kills but it does somewhat blind enemies and since I don't use a suppressor, it helps me be a bit more invisible.  The best combination for me is to summon the attack helicopter and call in the counter-spy plane that way they can't shoot down the chopper right away.  The only problem is that the counter-spy plane is easy to shoot down.

I also played a few games on the 18th and 20th but I didn't have time to play too much.  I did try out the Mortar Strike killstreak but I didn't like it at all.  It's cool in concept but it seemed difficult to get kills with.

February 16, 2011

Stacking demo

Date played: February 15th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Double-Fine, Tim Schafer's team, released it's second downloadable game last week.  It's a game about Russian nesting dolls where you control the smallest of all dolls, Charlie Blackmore.  This is a puzzle/adventure game where you must "stack" into bigger dolls to use their abilities and solve puzzles.

The first puzzle's goal was to force some posh dolls out of an exclusive lounge in the train station.  There are multiple ways to accomplish this.  The first way I found was to use one of the doll's irritated bowels to fart into the ventilation shaft of the lounge so that the dolls inside would run out in agony.  The second way I found was to use a mechanic doll to open the shaft, run inside and talk to the host who then forced everyone out because there was an intruder in the private lounge.

The last solution was to grab a sexy widow doll and lure the guard away from the entrance by seducing him with a nice "hip" shake.  Not that Russian nesting dolls have hips or anything but he seemed to like it.  I then jumped out of the sexy doll and ran into the lounge, talked to the host and have everyone kicked out again.

This is a really cool game, it's got a nice visual style and a good presentation.  It's also pretty funny and the puzzles seem interesting.  I might buy it later when I finish Dead Space 2.

Need for Speed Hot Pursuit

Online 4 VS 4 is where it's at!
Date played: February 15th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I had not played this game since having my PS3 repaired so I needed to do a chunky 300MB update before playing.  Then, to my surprise, my racer and cop levels are not stored on the server, they are stored locally on the console so that meant I lost all my cars and weapon upgrades.

No biggie though, I played about 5 online Hot Pursuit races and had lots of fun.  We won four games I think so we did pretty good.  I had a really nice takedown as a cop where I rammed a guy that was going really slow and made him crash AND busted at the same time.

I love that game but I kind of wish there was a bit more to it.  As it stands, it's a fun distraction for a few minutes but doesn't really keep my interest for longer periods of time.  I think a perk system like Blur and Call of Duty would have added some depth to the game.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: February 15th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

Woof woof!
I was talking to my friend and listening to music at the same time as playing so I wasn't very good.  I played a horrible match on Havana where we got decimated.  I played a few good matches on Firing Range and it's still one of my favorite maps.

Some guy on Havana got a Chopper Gunner (which I took down quickly) and Dogs.  My friend was pretty amazed at the ability to summon attack dogs but was baffled as to how someone can get 11 kills in a row without dying hehehe....

February 15, 2011

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Date played: February 14th
Platform: Wii
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Not so cute anymore!
Well, we did a few challenges and that was it today.  The main reason was that there was one challenge where my girlfriend and I would be transformed into the side-scrolling cloud shooter thingy and had to kill like 70 enemies in 1:10 min.  Sounds easy enough but it was incredibly difficult.  The main reason is that if we got hit once, we lost 5 seconds on the timer and would not have enough time to kill the last couple of bees.

Seriously, it must have taken us a dozen tries before we got a perfect run.  It was frustrating but also a lot of fun. We really had to coordinate and assign each other certain areas of the screen to shoot things so we wouldn't bump each other off and would still have time to kill everything.

We also did 2 or 3 other challenges.  Now we are done with all the challenges we had unlocked and we're moving on to the next stage.

Dead Space 2

Date played: February 14th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

So true....
I reached Chapter 8.  The end of Chapter 7 was pretty amazing.  I was crawling inside giant computers, solving little puzzles with power "cubes" and killed a bunch of black necromorphs.  These guys are nasty and very strong....

I also managed to upgrade my plasma cutter to have a fire effect which is really cool.  I also did some cool Zero G stuff where I was attaching little explosives to giant swivel doors and shooting the explosives to open these doors.  I also navigated around some huge spinning pillars of death in Zero G.  This game is more amazing than ever.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: February 14th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Somehow this doesn't do Jungle justice.
I needed to kill some dudes online but I was really tired so I didn't play too long.  I had a few decent matches including two fun ones on Jungle.  That map is always so much fun!  People hide on top of the rock, there's some fantastic bottlenecks and it's in a motherfucking jungle.

I got the last kill in one of the games and I actually killed two people really quickly with my trusty M60.  It's always nice to get a good final killcam, makes me feel warm inside.  :-)

February 14, 2011

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Date played: February 13th
Platform: DSi
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 4/10
I hate light puzzles slightly less than Tingle

I was excited to move on to the Ocean world but I was stopped short by a broken bridge.  What ensued was a boring train trek to the Snow world and back.  Now I have to do another stupid light puzzle.

I turned the game off.

Dead Space 2

Date played: February 13th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Again, Dead Space 2 is fucking fantastic.  I played through a space-walk zero G sequence and it was cool, intense and unique. Isaac had to reposition two large mirrors that would provide power to the station.  Everything was calm and serene until a large creature popped out of the station and started shooting missile-like enemies at me.

Another light puzzle in a video game?  Meh, it's ok 'cause it's Dead Space.
I shot the large creature in it's soft spots until it died and resumed re-aligning the mirrors.  Then there was one of the best sequences in the game yet.  It was basically a zero-g, high speed obstacle course.  I won't spoil more of it but just know that it was awesome.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: February 12th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

I didn't have much time to play today but I did manage three or four matches.  Nothing special to report though, I was tired and didn't really play well.

I did try the Aug for a bit and it works pretty damn well.  I think it might use it when I'm bored of the M60.  The Aug is fast, accurate and pretty strong.

World of Warcraft

Date played: February 11th and 13th
Platform: PC
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I leveled from level 10 to 18 in two sessions.  The first was with my friend.  We quested in Azshara until we were level 15 and then queued up in RFC.  On Sunday, I queued for instances and completed Dead Mines twice and another run of RFC.

I got some decent gear for my level and am making a bit of gold selling trash, BOE's and materials.  I'm healing in all of these and it seems that priest healing has changed slightly since I last played.  It seems that "Heal" is now a spell that priests use as opposed to something you stop using at level 16.  I had fun, not that I can just do dungeons, it's a lot more fun for me.

February 11, 2011

Couch Gaming Special Report

Date played: February 10th
Games: Call of Duty Black Ops, Dead Space 2, You Don't Know Jack, Donkey Kong Country Returns, Bulletstorm demo
Platform: PS3 / Wii
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

My friend came over and we had not seen each other in a few months so he wanted to see a few of my new games.  Since we didn't play anything for very long, I'll just make one post.

So we first played one episode of You Don't Know Jack with three players.  My friend was first confused by the questions but he picked it up pretty fast and ended up winning by about 4000$.  Three players made the game even more fun than two!

He then wanted to see Dead Space 2 so we played the intro (the last 20 seconds before you actually start controlling the character are amazing!) for about 10 minutes then I loaded up my saved game and went through a giant elevator where monsters broke the windows and tried to kill me.  It was awesome.

Couch gaming!
After that, we played through the Bulletstorm demo and he was really surprised at how violent it was.  He told me it reminded him of Serious Sam.

Then we played about 10 minutes of Donkey Kong and I died a lot (as usual) but he was impressed by the pin point accuracy of the controls.  He shared his frustration with Little Big Planet's controls and how difficult it was to be accurate on the tougher levels.

To finish it off, we played two online matches of Black Ops.  It was his first time playing and I think it was his first time playing CoD....  It was a little rough at first.  He commented on how different it was to Halo and Goldeneye where you have to shoot a lot of bullets to kill someone. It took him a few minutes to get used to aiming down the sights but he eventually got it and got four kills in his first game.  Not bad for a newb!  The next match was a bit better, he got 6 kills I think.  He was using the AK47.

It was good to spend some time with him and play some games, we don't see each other enough anymore and gaming was always something we enjoyed doing together.  He also got me to think I should get a new AV receiver.  Not having HDMI on it is making things more difficult for me.  I'll start looking into it.

February 10, 2011

You Don't Know Jack

Date played: February 9th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

My girlfriend and I played this again tonight and it was more fun than yesterday because she is starting to understand the questions and the game modes better.  She did win her first match ever today and she actually beat me by a lot but I redeemed myself and won the next two games.

She still hasn't even used the "screw" feature where you can force an opponent to answer within five seconds.  If she did that, she probably would have won at least one more game.  This is a great relaxing game.  Hell, you can even play it with one hand if you want!

World of Warcraft

Date played: February 9th
Platform: PC
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

The first dungeon
Well, my friend came over in his giant dragon and helped me do a few quests to get me to level 10.  Without his help, it would have taken me more than an hour but we actually did it in about 20 minutes.  He then ran me through Ragefire Chasm and I got a bunch of exp and loot.

I can't wait until I'm high enough to just queue for dungeons, that's really all I care about.  I also selected the Holy tree for my priest, we'll see how that pans out.

February 9, 2011

World of Warcraft

Date played: February 8th
Platform: PC
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10
Troll Priest!

Well, now that I have all my addons working, the game is starting to be somewhat fun again.  My friend met me and gave me a ride to Orgrimmar in his giant dragon (AWESOME) so I could get the flight paths and all.  He also gave me a bit of gold and some bags to start me off.  I also learned first aid and made some potions.

I did a few simple quests and am now level 8.  I was happy to see that Inner Fire no longer has charges so I don't have to re-apply it all the time.  I'll play some more, I can't wait to do some dungeons, questing is boring.

You Don't Know Jack

Date played: February 8th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

My girlfriend bought this game today because she likes trivia games and it's something we can play together in short periods.  You Don't Know Jack was one of my favorite games to play with friends about 13 years ago and I was happy to hear there was a new one coming out.

The game is divided into 73 episodes that way if you've played one already, you won't get the same questions again which is a great decision from the designers.  I won all three games but not by much.  The questions are really tricky and some of them can be very difficult.  They seem to mix pop culture with general culture and it's pretty funny throughout.  The host can be annoying at times but he's pretty good.

We had a good time and we will definitely be playing more.

February 8, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: February 7th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

How I feel about this session
I wasn't feeling it last night. I played only a few matches with two friends and while it was fun, I was just average.  My reaction time was kind of slow and I wasn't really thinking straight so I wound up in the wrong places a lot.

I still did good enough to win more than we lost but it was nothing special.  I'll be better next time!

February 7, 2011

Dead Space 2

Date played: February 6th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Well, this game is getting fucking weird.  In one sitting, I had an epic fight with a giant monster, I saw a woman cradle a necromorph baby until it exploded in her face and I fought child and toddler necromorphs in a school gymnasium.

He looks like his daddy!
I also ran into more of those velociraptor like monsters and got my hands on a few new guns.  The Ripper is a gun that shoots giant saw blades.  It also has a function where it almost acts like a chainsaw where a blade rotates and hovers in the air in front of Isaac, chopping down anything that comes within reach.  Then there is the Detonator which shoots out proximity mines.  I'm liking that one a lot.  I also got the Flamethrower but I haven't had a chance to try it.

The best new weapon is the Seeker which is basically a sniper rifle.  It came in handy in a few fights but is pretty tough to use up close.  I'm starting to struggle when choosing which weapon to take with me.  I think I need something like Plasma Cutter, heavy weapon, short range weapon, long range weapon.  I was thinking of Plasma Cutter, Mines, Ripper, Seeker but I really like the Line gun too.  I'm up to Chapter 7 now.

Bulletstorm demo

Date played: February 5th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

One of my brothers came over on Saturday and I had downloaded this demo previously but had never tried it so I thought it would be cool to check it out with my bro.  Bulletstorm is a first-person shooter but it's closer to Quake than it is Call of Duty.

Tired of realistic shooters?  Try Bulletstorm.
Holy shit this game is crazy.  The demo was really short but full of action.  I mean wow, this game is over the top.  You kick dudes in the air, grab them with a magnetic "leash", fling them around and shoot them.  The weapons are cool, the guitar riffs are cheesy and the kills are brutal.  Actually, it reminded me a bit of Serious Sam.  There is one scene where you can hit a button and a train comes crashing down on five or six guys and splatters them to the wall.

The game seems to be focused on high scores.  You get points for creative kills so it'll be interesting to see if people play to beat leaderboards similar to Geometry Wars and Pac-Man Championship.  I might get this game when it comes out but I'm not decided yet.

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Date played: February 5th
Platform: Wii
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Playing Kirby has sort of become synonymous with my daughter's naps.  When she sleeps, my girlfriend and I often come back to Kirby.

This time, we only played a few challenge levels and one level in Dream Land.  The challenge levels seem to have moved away from skill and toward puzzles.  It makes things a lot more interesting if a bit more difficult since we are playing co-op.

We now have about one or two levels left and we will reach the last boss.

World of Warcraft

Date played: February 4th
Platform: PC
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 2/10

This was rejected by lawyers so Blizz went with craft instead
Cocaine, heroin, alcohol, WoW, chocolate, cigarettes, meth, porn.  All of these are things people are likely to get addicted to.  I've been away from WoW for a year now.  Then I got the itch.

I wanted to start a new character to see the new stuff they added in the game but I know this game and I don't like the time it takes away from me.  I'm on a 10 day trial for now, we'll see if I reactivate after that.  I started playing (after a 10GB+ install) and made a new character right away.  I was sad to see all my old characters had been stripped naked and no longer had any items or gold.  It seems I was hacked while I was away. I have an authenticator now so I shouldn't have this problem again.

I made a Troll priest and reached level 5.  I spent most of my time fiddling and fine-tuning addons so that was boring as hell.  I then played the first few quests in the initial area.  One thing that surprised me was the improved graphics.  I didn't realize they had updated the water and lighting that much.  It still doesn't look as good as anything from the last 5 years but it sure looks better than when I played.

We'll see if I keep playing or not, so far, it's the same old shit and I've had enough for one lifetime.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: February 4th, 5th and 6th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 210 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

No, not THAT Stakeout....
I played a lot of Black Ops this weekend so I thought I would make one post to sum it up.  It was double EXP weekend and that meant that a lot of people were online at the same time.  The highest I saw was on Saturday with an amazing 750,000 people playing Black Ops on PS3 at the same time.  That's pretty crazy if you ask me.

Anyway I played quite a few matches, some with my brothers, some with friends and a few by myself.  It was a lot of fun overall.  I did try something completely new to me.  A Stakeout class.

I was never a fan of shotguns but I was feeling adventurous and I kind of just picked a random weapon I had never used.  The setup I used is Hardline, Sleight of Hand Pro, Ninja Pro, Stakeout, with Grip and a pistol.  I was surprised at how good this gun was in smaller maps like Nuketown, Summit and Firing Range.  Anything bigger and it starts being a bit tougher to use though.  I ended up with games like 17-5 and 22-8.  Not amazing but pretty good considering it's a shotgun after all.

I think I might try other weird guns and setups just for fun, it keeps things interesting.

February 4, 2011

Dead Space 2

Date played: February 3rd

Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 10\10

I reached chapter 5 and I'm still loving this game a lot.  There was a cool sequence involving stasis, three large rotating rings and anti-gravity navigation.

At the end of chapter 4, there was a pretty cool fight that references Jurassic Park!  Chapter 5 starts off in a very icy area which was a nice surprise.  I can't wait to play some more.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: February 3rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 8\10

9 people live here
I played with my brother last night and it was fun.  My brother was a bit rusty so we didn't win all our games but we did pretty good.

I was humiliated by another player who picked up my M60 and killed me twice with it on Nuketown.  That was a humbling experience.  I don't have much else to say about Black Ops so I'll stop babbling now.

February 3, 2011

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Date played: February 1st
Platform: Wii
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 9\10

My girlfriend and I are almost at the end of this game and it's been fantastic so far.  We did a few challenge levels.  We also fought Meta Knight, the Space World boss and he was actually a lot more difficult than the other bosses. It's a very frantic fight and lots of fun!

We then did the two bonus levels of Space World, one a tank level and the other a rocket level.  It was a nice break from the regular platforming.  Then we played the first level of last world.  Dream Land reminded me a lot of the old Gameboy games and has me excited for the newly announced Wii Kirby game.

Since we are nearing the end of the game, my girlfriend has been talking about Little Big Planet 2 a lot and it seems like it will be our next game together.

February 2, 2011

Dead Space 2

Date played: February 1st
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 10\10

The red marker
I couldn't play for very long once again.  What I did play was pretty damn awesome.  I reached chapter 4 and without spoilers, unitologists are just fucking crazy.  I recently bought the pulse rifle and that grenade launcher is a lot of fun to use.

I died a few times, it seems that if you let the necromorphs get too close, it's almost a guaranteed death.  I simply can't wait to play more of this.

February 1, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 31st
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 8\10

This kid heard two M60's fighting.
I played a few matches with two of my friends yesterday and I came up against another M60 user.  It's pretty rare honestly and the guy was pretty good.  He did not camp yet did not rush.  We had a few good firefights and it was quite a sight.

The sound of two M60's fighting each other is deafening and scary.  I love this gun hehehe!  I had some good games overall, I'm really liking this 5-6-7 killstreak setup.  I get them pretty often and get a decent amount of kills.  It seems better than getting dogs once every 20 games.