January 31, 2011

Dead Space 2

Date played: January 30th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 10\10

Fuck this game rocks.  Seriously.  Without spoiling much, I started fighting some child necromorphs and that is truly disturbing.  Also, I shot out a window and all the necromorphs flew out of it into vacuum while I was holding on for dear life.  That was so cool.....

Also, see the picture below for a tip on how to get a PSN trophy.  :-)
That statue seems to be missing something....

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 30th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 9\10

My motto
I played some more Black Ops today with some friends and I finally got out of my rut.  I was pretty good today and I think it's because I am taking my time and crouching a bit more, still without camping.

January 30, 2011

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Date played: January 30th
Platform: Wii
Time played: 90 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Go Fluffy!
My girlfriend and I spent an hour playing the race challenges in Kirby's Epic Yarn.  These are definitely more difficult than the other challenges and the regular levels.  We had a few frustrating moments when we accidentally bumped each other off ledges and such but we still had a lot of fun.  We completed the race challenges and we played two more levels of the Space\UFO world

Oh, I forgot to mention, Fluffy is cute too!

Scott Pilgrim VS The World The Video Game

Date played: January 29th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating:7/10

I had a few minutes to kill and I had watched the Scott Pilgrim movie earlier in the day so I booted up the XBLA game of the same name.  I played and beat level 2, the movie star's level.  The mechanics in this game are standard fare for beat-em-up's so it's nothing special.  What makes this game worth playing is the music and the graphics.

I love the art style!
The music is by Anamanaguchi, one of my favorite bands.  The energizing chip tunes are complimented by some amazing graphics, courtesy of Paul Robertson.  I just wish the game had better mechanics, as it stands, it's pretty much a button masher.

Dead Space 2

Date played: January 29th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 50 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

One of the coolest scenes I've seen in a game
I played chapter 2 and again, it was fantastic.  Without spoiling anything, there is a sequence involving a train that is just amazing.  This game reminds me of a gruesome Uncharted 2 because of the camera work and animation.  I also got my engineering suit, stasis, a pneumatic rifle and my favorite, the line gun.

I stopped playing just after I reached chapter 3.  The only thing that sucks about this game is that I can almost never play it because I don't want to play it in front of my daughter.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 29th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

The Sentry Gun is great if you know where to put it
It seems I'm back on top of my game.  I did much much better today than I did yesterday.  I think I was starting to play too carelessly, rushing into fights and sprinting too much.  Today I made a conscious decision to crouch more, move more slowly while still not camping.

Also, I'm running a 5-6-7 killstreak setup of Napalm, Sentry and Attack Chopper.  I don't get that many kills with those but I get them pretty often.

January 29, 2011

Dead Space 2

Date played: January 28th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Amazing.  Simply amazing.  I got Dead Space 2 today and it's intense, scary, atmospheric, beautiful, disgusting and most importantly, lots of fun.  I loved Dead Space, I watched the comics, the movies, read the book, the graphic novel, played Extraction on Wii and even Ignition on PSN.  It's pretty obvious that I'm a big fan of this series so I had high expectations for the sequel.

Visceral Games did not disappoint.  I only played an hour and I don't want to spoil the game but I did manage to finish chapter 1 and I can't wait to play more.  So far, Dead Space 2 is better than the first game and I didn't even get Isaac's engineering suit yet!

Fantastic art for Dead Space 2
Anyway, I will leave it at that for now but I will posting many more times about this game.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 28th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 80 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10
This picture says it all.

I got owned today.  My trigger fingers were just not up to snuff today.  I did have some enjoyable conversation with friends while I was playing with them though so all is not lost.

January 27, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 26th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 4/10

I got nothing to say...
I don't know why but I sucked big time today.  I barely had a 1.0 K/D ratio except one game where I went 36-10.  I don't know what it was, maybe I was just tired.  Nothing special to report really.  I do like the Chopper Gunner, I haven't really used it much yet but it's interesting even if I'm left vulnerable for a short period.

January 26, 2011

Motorstorm Pacific Rift

Date played: January 25th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 1/10

I wanted to play some online racing and didn't feel like playing Blur so I went back to Motorstorm, a game I haven't played much.  After downloading a 600MB patch, I jumped online and I hated it.

This should be fun right?  I mean, it looks really fun!
I really want to like this game.  The concept is great, the graphics are good, the tracks are crazy and the different vehicle classes make things interesting.  The reason I can't enjoy myself is the handling.  It seems that the almost all vehicle classes handle like a boat in maple syrup.  I placed last in all five races I played.  I think I just don't know how to play this game.  Should I be braking more?  Using the e-brake?  Am I using the wrong vehicles?  Do I just need to learn the tracks?

Anyway, as much as I want to love this game, I just can't and I will try to sell it or something.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 25th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

New patch day!  The game seems to be more stable online and I haven't had any disconnection issues which is a  big improvement.  The biggest change in the patch seems to be Second Chance.  Now, when you drop someone into Second Chance, you get the kill no matter who finishes off the opponent.  The person who does finish the opponent gets an assist so this will prevent people from stealing my kills.
Shooting down aircraft in black and white

I played a few matches and had some interesting conversations with two Americans.  I was on the opposing team for the first two games.  In the first, I shot down a Chopper Gunner, allowing it only two kills.  In the lobby, one of the Americans was asking who did that.  When I answered that I did, he complimented me on my shot and we joked around a bit.

In the next match, I got a good score mostly getting kills with my trusty M60.  After the match, these two guys mimicked the sound it makes and said that's all they heard the whole game!  :-)

We finally played together in the last game and now there was four other people using the M60 so I guess they wanted to try out my style hehehe.... For once, playing with strangers was fun and interesting.

January 25, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 24th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 25 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I didn't have much time to play games last night but I did manage to play about four matches of Team Deathmatch.  I decided to try a different killstreak setup.  I went with Napalm Strike, Sentry Gun and Chopper Gunner.  I never really use Chopper Gunner because I don't like losing control of my character but it's a pretty powerful killstreak.

I did manage to get to nine kills on Summit and called the chopper in.  I managed to do something like 26-4.  This killstreak setup is pretty cool because I can get it more often than when I use dogs at 11 kills.

Also, I made a little 30 second video of one of my previous games.  Take a look here to view on youtube.com.

January 24, 2011

Nintendo 64 Special Edition

Date played: January 23rd
Games: Super Mario 64, Starfox 64, Doom 64, Diddy Kong Racing, Goldeneye 64
Platform: Nintendo 64
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

News Flash!  I just got an N64 for my basement.  Nintendo SIXTY-FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUR
My collection of old consoles and games keeps growing!  I have a lot of games that came with it but I only played four of them.  Super Mario 64 is still surprisingly playable and still good.  Starfox 64 (RUMBLE!) is more hardcore than I remember.  Diddy Kong Racing is still lots of fun.  Goldeneye is really outdated but it was good for nostalgia purposes...  Doom 64 is complete garbage.  :-)

Anyway, I've got plenty more games to try such as Pilotwings, Clayfighter, Rush, Donkey Kong 64 and more.  I think I made a good purchase and I'll start looking on eBay for some cheap games.


Date played: January 23rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I beat the second boss in the game and he was definitely easier than the first.  It had a pretty cool mechanic where you must clear a row of ice blocks while the boss tries to fry you with a giant laser beam.  Then once it's cleared, you can basically hit the boss in the leg by ramming a train wagon at him.  Once he falls down from the hit, War gets to go all out on him.

It was an interesting fight.  I then explored a bit, bought some upgrades and started the path to the third boss.  The scenery is quite different now as I'm heading towards the Ashlands.  It almost feels like a desert region.  I can't wait to play more but Dead Space 2 is closer and closer now so I don't think I will have time to finish it before the return of Isaac Clarke.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 23rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

Is this the best Killstreak?  
I just played a few matches where nothing special really happened.  The first game I joined was already in progress and the other team called in Attack Dogs, a Chopper Gunner and a Blackbird in the span of about 15 seconds.  Needless to say, we got destroyed.

I fared much better in the next two games but I was bored so I stopped playing.

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Date played: January 23rd
Platform: Wii
Time played: 25 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Fuzzy rocket train!
My girlfriend and I had a few minutes to kill while the baby was sleeping so we played two levels.  We played the last bonus level of the ice world which was a big elevator level and we played the first level of the space world.  We also managed to unlock the last character for challenge levels where we have to do a race but we haven't tried those yet.

Kirby is always a great game to play when I don't want to really focus.

January 23, 2011


Date played: January 22nd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

After going for dinner with friends, we hung out at one of my friends house.  We had 4 people, 4 controllers, 2 PS3's, 2 TV's and 2 copies of Little Big Planet.  So we had two people on one TV joining the other two over PSN for 2 screen goodness!

We played some custom levels and had a lot of fun.  We played two Mario levels, a Bioshock level (Big Daddy!!) a Dead Space level and a level with a super fast car.  I hadn't played this game in a long time and I forgot how cool it really is.  People make amazing stuff using limited tools and it really made me want to buy LBP 2......
Would you kindly change your costume Sackboy?

I would love to make levels too but it seems so time consuming.  Maybe I will one day, we'll see!

Dead Space Ignition

Date played: January 21st and 22nd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 140 minutes
Session fun rating: 2/10

Om nom nom nom
So I got this game for free when I pre-ordered Dead Space 2.  While not a very good game in itself, I still think it was worth playing for me if only for the story and the Dead Space 2 unlockable suit.  This is basically a motion comic with three hacking mini games.  The comics aren't well drawn, the writing isn't great and the voice acting is average at best.

Even worse, the actual gameplay is pretty boring.  The three mini games are varied but there is only one that is fun to play.  It involves lasers, mirrors, splitters and color coded puzzles.  It's a lot of fun by itself but not enough to redeem this game.  The story is pretty cool though because it introduces the Sprawl, Dead Space 2's setting, and the ending ties into the beginning of Dead Space 2 and Isaac Clarke's story.

Anyway, within 2 hours of play, I got all trophies and all unlocks so I cheerfully deleted it from my hard drive.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 21st and 22nd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 220 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

The new DLC map, Stadium
I played a lot of Black Ops Friday night and Saturday afternoon.  We actually managed to get a full 6 person team going for about an hour which was amazing.  We did not even come close to losing.  We even had one game where we had a collective score of 7500-1900 in Team Deathmatch.

We are also starting to get excited for the new maps.  There is one that's in a hockey arena I think.  Awesome.

Anyway, aside from that, it's still Black Ops and we still win a lot.

January 21, 2011


Date played: January 20th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 80 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Darksiders is getting better and better and I kind of regret not playing this before.  The gameplay is fantastic but surprisingly, the characters are fun and have personality.  Samael is a demon that makes a deal with War (the hero).  He has a great voice actor and he looks fucking scary yet personable.

Samael is badass
I also met Ulthane who is a very large dude that swings a hammer and helps War reach his destination.  Again, good character design and a good voice actor make this a compelling character.   I won't spoil any story stuff but it's getting really interesting now.

I defeated Tiamat, the bat queen from my last post.  She was not very difficult but I did have to try the fight about four times before succeeding.  The killing animation was cool, War rips off the queen's wings in slow-mo then rips her still beating heart out.  Gruesome.

There is also a mechanic in this game that is kind of boring.  In order to progress, the game sometimes asks the player to go into little arenas to defeat a certain number of enemies in a specific way, such as killing 5 enemies by countering.  These are kind of fun but it drags a bit and gets boring after a few minutes.

Anyway, this game keeps surprising me and I will keep playing it until Dead Space 2 comes out.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 20th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10
More useful than I thought

Same old same old.  I just played a few matches and did ok but I was a bit tired and did not have a great performance.  I am really liking having a pistol equipped since I use the M60 all the time and it's pretty slow in close quarters.  I still will have a Strela 3 equipped once I unlock it but the pistols are a lot better than I initially thought.

Anyway, I kind of got frustrated because I was dying a lot so I just stopped playing.

January 20, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Gotta love Ninja Pro
Date played: January 19th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 50 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I didn't have much time to play games last night but I did manage to reach level 22 which means I finally unlocked my favorite gun, the M60.  Thanks God.  I then played a few matches and proceeded to absolutely destroy the other teams.  I also unlocked Ninja Pro so I'm all set, all I have left to unlock is my Strela 3.

I feels good to go back to the M60, kind of like stepping into an old pair of shoes.  Also of note, all 6 of my classes are exactly the same, the only difference being different camo colors so I can choose a different one all the time.  Weird, I know.

January 19, 2011

Gran Turismo 5

Date played: January 18th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 50 minutes
Session fun rating: 2/10

Again, because I had to repair my PS3, I lost my saved game for GT5.  I had to repatch and reinstall the game which took about an hour.  Then I started playing and bought a different car, a Nissan March and completed the Sunday Cup.  It wasn't too hard even though my car is underpowered and I reached level 1 and made 15000CR.

I really don't want to do license tests again so I hope I can progress without doing those.  I also spent some time taking a picture of my new small car.  Photo mode is a great feature and one of my favorite parts of GT5.  I forgot to upload my picture so I'll show you an older one that I took before my PS3 broke.
It almost looks real!!!

January 18, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 17th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 150 minutes
Session fun rating: 4/10

Well, after staying at level 50 for almost two months, I finally decided to Prestige.  I guess I was just bored and wanted to level again.  That meant I lost the service of my trusty M60 and all my pro perks as well as my Strela 3...  I managed to get to level 17 and am only four levels away from my gun.

I wish this was the prestige logo...
The first few matches were rough since I was using the default classes.  I went with the one that has the MP5K until I could buy the Enfield.  I also bought all my favorite perks, Scavenger, Sleight of Hand and Ninja.  I got my concussion grenades and claymores too.

I spent most of my time going for my pro perks and that meant playing Demolition (just 2 bombs left to plant!), using pistols for some of the SoH requirements and spamming grenades for Scavenger.  I did get Scavenger Pro as well as Sleight of Hand Pro, so I'm ready for my M60.  I have four levels left to get all my suppressor kills for Ninja so I should be ready to go once I hit level 21.  Needless to say, it wasn't really fun but now the tough part is over.

January 17, 2011


Date played: January 16th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 130 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

Since I lost all my saved games for my PS3 and I wanted to play a single player game, I decided to play something I had not put a lot of time in previously.  In fact, I bought Darksiders about 11 months ago but had only played about 2 hours so I decided to put it back in and start from the beginning.

This is one of the best title screens I've ever seen....
This is a great game, it's really like Zelda dungeons mixed with God of War Lite combat.  The story seems pretty cool so far, the characters have lots of personality and the combat is fun.  The only thing that is bugging me is the camera is a little too close to the character but aside from that, it's pretty amazing.

I got further than I initially did on my first play and got to a fight against a giant, ugly and smelly Bat Queen, Tiamat.  I got killed on my first attempt and ran out of time to play.  It's an interesting fight which reminded me of a boss fight in Castlevania Lords of Shadow (another lost saved game).  Anyway, I will definitely play more of this M-rated Zelda.

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Date played: January 15th
Platform: Wii
Time played: 15 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I only had time to play one level but it was a good one, 4-K.  It was hard but it only took me four lives which is much better than what I did with the three previous bonus levels.  This level was really about timing and accurate jumps so it wasn't so bad.  I don't have anything else to say about it so here is some amazing concept art for the game.
This is amazing art, I hope one day we play a game that looks this good.

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 14th, 15th and 16th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 300 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Yes I know, I'm playing this game way too much.  It's hard not to have fun when playing with friends though.  As usual, when playing with friends, we won.  A lot.  In fact, I think we may have lost only one game.
My only weapon, the glorious M60

The highlight match of the weekend was my best performance since buying the game.  In team deathmatch, I managed a 34 kills, 1 death match.  That's right bitches.  I got to 11 kills with my trusty M60 then summoned attack dogs and an attack helicopter.  My first death was after 21 kills and it wasn't because I got greedy, it was a good kill from a crossbow.  When I respawned, I called in my sentry gun while the dogs and chopper were still getting kills.

The other team wasn't very good but I still think it was a great game.  I would have never been able to do this well were it not for my smart team mates.  I saved the game to my file share and I think I will make a little 30 second video to post on youtube when I have some time.

January 13, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: January 12th and 13th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 180 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Fuck yeah!  I finally got my PS3 back from repair.  It works, which is great, but I also lost all my saved games, including a 60 hour Fallout New Vegas save.  Bummer.

Good thing I can always play multiplayer.  For 2 nights straight, I played Black Ops and had some real fun!  It took me one or two matches to get warmed up but after that, I had some of the best scores I've had on that game and lost only one match out of about twenty.  I love playing with my brothers and friends.

'Nuff said, back to Black Ops.

January 10, 2011

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

Date played: January 9th
Platform: Nintendo DS
Time played: 55 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

Railing Zelda
I used to love Zelda.  A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Minish Cap and my favorite, Wind Waker. However, I was really disappointed in Twilight Princess so I never bothered with the DS games.

Then one day my girlfriend bought Spirit Tracks on a whim.  It turned out that she didn't like it but I did!  Anyway, I don't play my DS a lot so I was a bit lost when I started but after a few minutes, I was exploring the third level of the main dungeon, the tower or something something.  It was pretty cool and involved lighting torches to see where I was going.  After about an hour, I turned it off with the Ocean section waiting for me.

Oh and the stylus only control is actually easy to use and practical which is not what I was expecting.

January 9, 2011

Halo Reach

Date played: January 9th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

It's a wonder the guy didn't end up with this thing...
So I went back to Halo again and played 3 matches of Big Team Battle.  I had the some fun games but the highlight of the night was an amazing trash talker who didn't play much, but managed to spew obscenities from his mouth for two (!) complete matches.  I've seen some trash talk in my days but this one was quite an achiever.

He managed to insult homosexuals, mothers, his team mates, Mexicans and even the flag we had to capture.  Surprisingly enough, he didn't insult the other team in any way.  He did get repetitive a bit by the end of my session but there are only so many insults in the English language.  I think the saddest part was that he was an adult.

Fable 3

Date played: January 9th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 95 minutes
Session fun rating: 3/10

You know what, I think Fable 3 sucks.  I keep trying to like it but it keeps spitting it's stink in my face.  I mean, the story is cool, the jokes are kind of funny, the graphics aren't bad and the music is quite good.  You would think that would make an interesting game but it's all the little details that piss me off.

This would be more fun than the actual game.
I think the reason I dislike it so much is the lack of a minimap.  Exploration and questing would be so much easier if there was just a god damned minimap!  Also, it's buggy, there's a lot of slow down and the glowing trail works half the time.  The worst part is, I will probably play it again because I want to see what happens....

Anyway, I played a few quests, one where I had to escort a dude to safety and another where I had to find dog bones to cleanse an evil spirit in the woods.

Activision multiplayer couch fest!

Date played: January 8th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 20 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

This is a special post for 2 games!  The reason I will only post once is because I played only one song in Guitar Hero Warriors of Rock which was Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.
Activision in a nutshell

I was at a friends house for a birthday and we played 2 online Team Deathmatch games of Black Ops.  They actually have two HDTV's mounted on a wall so it was pretty fucking cool to have my own screen and see my friends screen at the same time.

Guitar Hero is..... well it's Guitar Hero.

January 8, 2011

Resident Evil 5

Date played: January 8th
Platform: PC
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

This game is all right.  Not as good as RE4 but still fun.  The inventory system is completely ridiculous but aside from that, it's pretty good.

I played chapter 4-1, killed some savages, fumbled with my inventory and ran away from a giant bat/worm thing.  Oh and I got the grenade launcher which is not as fun to use as it should be....

A Boy and his Blob

Date played: January 8th
Platform: Wii
Cuter than a puppy in a basket.
Time played: 40 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

This is a really cute game I got from a bargain bin.  It's a mix between a platformer and a puzzle game where you feed jelly beans to your "blob" to transform him into objects that will allow you to navigate the levels and avoid enemies.

I played maybe 5 levels and while it is fun, I'm still in the first world and it is quite easy.  The animation is fantastic, it looks like a quality hand drawn animated movie.  Also, the best feature of the game is a hug button.  Yes that's right, this game has a hug button.  The best part is that it is completely useless in terms of the game but I still do it to see the amazing animation.

January 7, 2011

Dirt 2

Date played: January 7th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I felt like playing Gran Turismo 5 or Need for Speed Hot Pursuit but I have those on PS3 and my PS3 is currently broken so I went back to Dirt 2.  I was surprised at how good that game looks after being away from it for a long time.  Seriously, the Dirt series seems really overlooked....

Super Trucks are cool.  Buggies suck.
Anyway, I only had limited time so I played a two race event in super trucks and buggies.  The first time I placed 3rd so I redid the event and won it on my second attempt.  I love the cockpit view but it's not very practical since it blocks out a large portion of the screen.  Great game and the third game should be even better, can't wait!

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Date played: January 7th
Platform: Wii
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Dedede seems really strung out....
Played a good chunk of Kirby again with my girlfriend and had lots of fun.  Some of the challenge levels have been pretty tough and getting all items in the levels is tough too.

We just beat up King Dedede and that was a cool fight!  We are finishing up the snow world now.  This is one of the only games I have never played by myself, I only play it with my girl because it's so cute.

January 6, 2011

Halo Reach

Date played: January 6th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

Played 2 quick matches of Big Team Battle and had an interesting game in Boneyard.  Love using the jet pack on that map.  I also played a boring match on Hemorrhage where my team mates thought it was a good idea to shoot at me the whole game.

Donkey Kong Country Returns

Date played: January 5th
Platform: Wii
Time played: 85 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

DKCR is simply fantastic.  Every time I play, I have a great time.  It's challenging, creative, easy to play and has great music and art.  Last night, I played the bonus levels of worlds 2 and 3.  Those are pretty difficult but once you get the timing down, the flow of the levels is perfect.

I also played about 5 levels of world 4 and it has a lot of mine carts and rocket barrels, all of which are very well made.  My girlfriend was watching me play for a bit and she would insult my gaming skills every time I died, which was pretty often.  I thought of handing her the controller but I didn't want to to waste all my lives!  :-P
Rocket Barrel MADNESS!

January 4, 2011

'Splosion Man

Date played: January 4th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 50 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Scientist 0 - 'Splosion Man 1
Last time I played this I got frustrated with the first boss and never really got back to it.  Today I decided to go another round against this big robot and had a great time!  I even ended up playing 6 more levels after beating the boss.

BTW, this game is just crazy, I cannot wait for Ms. Splosion Man.

Halo Reach

Date played: January 4th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 5/10

Played some Reach again tonight on Community playlists.  I didn't know the maps and I'm used to Big Team Battle so I sucked horribly and pretty much rage quit after two games.  I also played one Big Team Slayer game but since half my team quit, we were completely dominated by Warthogs at our spawn.

Oh, and I got tea-bagged.

Condemned 2: Bloodshot

Pig-Man!  Kramer would be proud.
Date played: January 3rd
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 45 minutes
Session fun rating: 4/10

Since my PS3 broke and I couldn't play Fallout New Vegas, I went to my backlog and decided to play some Condemned 2: Bloodshot. I had only started this game about 6 months ago and had not touched it after the first 2 levels.

I didn't really enjoy myself because I had forgotten how to play. I spent a few minutes checking the in-game instructions and was on my way to killing some bums. This game is not really my taste, it's very depressing. I played a level on some train tracks and was stuck for about 10 minutes because I couldn't figure out what to do. Turns out I had to reach a specific area to start a scripted sequence... Anyway, I'm not sure I will play this game again, it's depressing and not that much fun.

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Date played: January 3rd
Platform: Wii
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I had a few minutes to waste with my very tired girlfriend and she wanted to play Kirby before going to bed. We played one new level co-op and unlocked a new tenant in the apartments granting us access to a new mini-game where we must destroy a set number of enemies withing a certain period of time.

We played 4 of those then she had to go to bed. I love playing a simple game like this with her because it is completely stress free.

Halo Reach

A doomed Wraith
Date played: January 3rd
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played one hour of Halo Reach Big Team Battle online multi-player. I hadn't played this game in 2 months but I had a blast. Played a memorable match on Hemorrhage where I took down a Wraith using only a plasma pistol and my Spartan's hands. My best game tonight!