Date played: January 20th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 80 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10
Darksiders is getting better and better and I kind of regret not playing this before. The gameplay is fantastic but surprisingly, the characters are fun and have personality. Samael is a demon that makes a deal with War (the hero). He has a great voice actor and he looks fucking scary yet personable.
Samael is badass |
I also met Ulthane who is a very large dude that swings a hammer and helps War reach his destination. Again, good character design and a good voice actor make this a compelling character. I won't spoil any story stuff but it's getting really interesting now.
I defeated Tiamat, the bat queen from my last post. She was not very difficult but I did have to try the fight about four times before succeeding. The killing animation was cool, War rips off the queen's wings in slow-mo then rips her still beating heart out. Gruesome.
There is also a mechanic in this game that is kind of boring. In order to progress, the game sometimes asks the player to go into little arenas to defeat a certain number of enemies in a specific way, such as killing 5 enemies by countering. These are kind of fun but it drags a bit and gets boring after a few minutes.
Anyway, this game keeps surprising me and I will keep playing it until Dead Space 2 comes out.